Boite Choir

Boite Schools Chorus 2024
Boite Schools Chorus 2024
“Los Niños - The Children”
WHERE? Melbourne Town Hall
WHEN? Thursday 8th August, 1.00pm
WHO? All those Years 1-6 students whose parental permission has been received
It’s been a busy week for the students participating in the BSC. Last Saturday we enjoyed the combined choirs polishing rehearsal in Carlton – thanks to those who made the effort and sacrifice to attend. The children were so attentive and energetic for the lengthy session, working with live musicians and learning actions for many of the items. They went home with a great buzz! Well done! Special thanks to Elinor and Mr Ru (If you didn’t make the rehearsal, be sure to learn the actions on YouTube).
1 week to go!
- Rehearsals
- Bernadette will be away next Wednesday for our usual practices so the Boitechoir will meet on Tuesday instead. There will be no early morning rehearsal next week – thanks so much to those students and families who made the effort.
- Please keep an eye on Seesaw and other school notifications for changes to rehearsal schedule.
- Home learning
- Thanks to those who’ve been supporting home learning of the material – it shows!! If you need any more support accessing links or lyrics contact Ru or Bernadette
- All students will be singing Part 1. The relevant clip is made clear on the youtube link. Once they are confident with their voice part, it will be useful to listen to the “All Parts” clips to hear how it all fits together.
- It is especially important that the students who have missed rehearsals put some time in this weekend so they can participate fully on Thursday
- Performance Day Schedule – Thursday 8th August
8.45am: Students arrive at Trinity – Please ensure students are on time
9.00am: Students walk to tram stop with staff/parent helpers – catch tram to City
9.30am. Students arrive at Melbourne Town Hall, Spencer St
10:00 am: Group rehearsal
12:00 pm: Lunch break (own packed lunch)
1:00 – 2:00 pm: Performance
2.15 pm: Students signed out to leave with parents from venue or catch tram home with staff/parent helpers
3.00pm: Arrival at Trinity for pickup
- Uniform
- T-shirts are completed for all students. Thanks to those who brought their shirts from home.
- Transfers have been ironed on (Thanks Tee, Basia and Jac!) - they look fabulous! Shirts will be handed out on Thursday at venue, before rehearsal.
- Students to arrive at Trinity in sports shirt, wearing full black on the bottom half as per BSC concert uniform*. Grey Trinity sports pants NOT ALLOWED. *black pants, thick tights, skirt and black opaque tights, black shoes. NO SHORTS unless tights worn with them.
- Tickets
- Tickets are now available for purchase. Visit
- Parent Helpers
- Thank you so much to the parents who have helped already – supervising rehearsals, providing T-shirts, ironing transfers! Thanks in advance to those who’ve offered to help on Thursday – keep an eye on the Helpers Chat for updates.
For more information, feel free to contact Mr Ru at school, or Bernadette on 0414 858 738 or, and watch this space!
Thanks again to all our supporters and sponsors: Trinity Primary School, Toscanos, Baker’s Delight, Coles – Vic Gardens, BigginScott Real Estate, St Ignatius Parish and all those parents and friends who have donated both time and money to making this happen – you know who you are!