From the Principal

Paris 2024 - XXX111 Olympiad
Look who is in Paris!!!
We are excited that the games of the XXX111 Olympiad commences this weekend.
At St Francis de Sales we will be having our own Olympics over the next four weeks.
Come and share in our very own Opening Ceremony on Monday at 2:30pm in the Hall.
Children may come to school dressed in the colours of the Olympic flag, colours/clothes linked to their cultural background, their favorite sport or athlete.
A gold coin donation is requested to support the Australian Paralympic team.
Didgeridoo Australia on SPECIALIST Day
The day started with a wonderful performance by Didgeridoo Australia. We listened in awe at the sounds of the Australian bush, played on the didgeridoo. We learned a lot of interesting information about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags and to say lots of new aboriginal words. We were soon up dancing and singing to new songs. We all had lots of FUN!!!
The day continued with lots of great activities to enjoy. We all contributed a colourful feather to create our own spectacular Bunjil the eagle. Another highlight was rewriting the words to the acknowledgment of country. Every Learning Space created a very meaningful acknowledgement to be used in future gatherings.
The day concluded with an assembly in the hall with a performance from our choir and we reflected on a rich day of learning. Huge thanks to the specialists teachers for their organisation of this extra curricula activity. Thanks also to the P&F who provided a lovely warm lunch that was thoroughly enjoyed by our hard working students.
"I touch this land and want to look after it."
"Black fella, white fella It doesn't matter what your color.
As long as you a real fella. As long as you a true fella
Are you the one who's always ready with a helping hand?"
School Uniform
Wearing our school uniform correctly is a requirement at St Francis de Sales.
We now have 98% of our students wearing the correct winter uniform and shoes. I thank all parents who have ensured their children are dressed in the correct uniform each day. If your child has out grown their uniform you can purchase a second hand uniform from our P&F stall for just $5. Parent support is greatly appreciated and consistency across the school is an essential requirement of enrolment.
Save the Date - 5th August 2024 Grandparents Day
SRC First Meeting for Term 3
The SRC had their first meeting on Monday 23 July. Each child shared one thing they are passionate to work on. Ideas were discussed and similar ideas were collated into topics. The key areas that the SRC would like to work on are:
- KIndness: How can we be kinder to one another at SFS?
- Safety: How can we make SFS safe? What safety problems do we see at school that we can fix?
- Environment: How can we make our school cleaner and make sure all rubbish is in the bin?
- Basketball/Netball fun day in Term 4? Or do we want a different kind of fun day? Ideas? What could we do?
The SRC have created an Ideas box for each learning space. Children are invited to share their ideas ensuring the note has their name and Home group on it. We are very proud of the SRC students and the way they participated in this student leadership meeting.
Cars - Before and After School
- A reminder to parents that the car park in the school grounds is ONLY for staff use.
- Parking in the school grounds is not permitted before school to drop children off and enter the school for any reason.
We are lucky to have ample street parking.
We just have enough parking places for our staff.
The Drop off Zone is just a Kiss and Go Zone.
Parents are asked NOT to get out of the car so that the traffic can move and children can be safely dropped or picked up without unnecessary delay.
Do not angle park or STOP beside the rainbow playground. Do not leave large gaps between cars. Children need to be ready to get out off the car. A 2 minute time should be ample. Children need to get out wherever the car stops in the Drop Off, pleae do not just stop and get out close to an entrance or gate.
Please do not hold up the traffic. It is important that the Drop Off and Pick Up zone flows to accommodate all cars and enable safe movement of students and cars.
Parent parking is only available in the Drop Off Zone between 9:30 am to 2:30 pm or before 8am and after 4pm.
Parents leaving the school grounds or entering the school grounds must always turn left during Drop Off and Pick up times.
Right turns are NOT allowed into the carpark or when leaving the Car park.
Parents Parking in the street must obey road rules!!
Please do NOT block driveways of our neighbours.
Please DO NOT stop in the middle of the road to collect children.
Please do not block the roundabout.
Be SAFE and model safety , responsibility and respect.
Parents breaking road rules will necessitate action for the safety of all.
Go Australia! Let the games begin.
Christine White