Senior Sport

IoS Netballers Compete in Vic Schools Championships
Oxley enrolled two teams from the Institute of Sport (Netball) program that runs twice a week before school in the 2024 Netball Victoria School Championships. The event took place at Pinks Reserve on Thursday 1 August 2024. Our main goal was to give our students some extra exposure to competition and to recognise their commitment to Netball training in the Institute of Sport.
Both our teams, a Junior Team (Year 7 and 8) and an intermediate team (Year 9 and 10) competed against some of the biggest schools in Melbourne and country Victoria. Our intermediate team won two of their five games, with the Juniors unable to secure a win against the strong competition. Both teams performed very well, and the students should be proud of their performance on the day.
Both teams agreed that it was a great experience and learning opportunity to improve their game. Participation in the championships was good preparation for the Year 7 students who started their Netball season in the EISM competition and the Year 8 and 9s who will have their Netball season in the EISM during Term 4.
Oxley is currently very competitive in the Senior Boys and Girls Netball in the EISM and we hope to build on this strength with our IoS Netballers.
Frederik Kotzé
Head of Sport