What Did You Do At School?

On Friday 2 August, we were very excited to celebrate 100 Days of School. We transformed into what we might look like when we are 100 years old.
There was an abundance of grey hair, wrinkles, and walking sticks. 98, 99, 100… we counted eyeballs and beads, showing off our clever counting skills. Our craft activity was to make a 100-year-old face; it was so much fun adding glasses and wrinkles.
At the Barn we celebrated how much we have grown over the last 100 days at school, painting our very own pots to symbolise our growth. We look forward to the next 100 days of learning.
Year 1
What an amazing start to Term 3! There is so much happening in our little world. This week, we watched the Senior School production, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, attended our Cyber Safety Incursion, and celebrated our student leaders in Leadership Chapel. In Integrated Studies, we began exploring the concept of light and sound. We enthusiastically participated in activities that use everyday objects to make sounds. Did you know if you rustle tin foil, it sounds like a crackling fire? If you flap a pair of leather gloves, it sounds like a bird flying. Learning this will help us to develop sounds for tour shadow puppet plays later in the term.
Year 2
Term 3 has begun! In Maths we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have investigated properties such as the number of sides and vertices on a 2D shape and the number of edges, faces and vertices on a 3D shape. To help us, we created 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows which we got to take home and enjoy! We believe Maths should ALWAYS be delicious!
Year 3
We have been busily learning new strategies and games to help us accurately and efficiently solve subtraction problems. We have discovered that there are so many ways to show our solutions and we have wowed our teachers with how we have applied our new understandings. Also, as we have explored imperative verbs in procedural writing, we have learnt to instruct others to use these same mathematic skills.
For example:
- Subtract one place value at a time
- Start with the ones when using a vertical strategy
- Regroup from a higher place value (if you need to!)
- Find the difference between two numbers
- Use a calculator to ensure your answer is correct
- Prove my answer by using the inverse operation, addition
Our teachers are so proud of our amazing start to Term 3!
Year 4
We have had a very busy start to Term 3 with an E-safety Incursion, an IGNITE session with Mr Dickson and watching the amazing performance of the Senior School production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This term has so many exciting things to do. We have begun rehearsals for our Junior School production, and we are very excited to start talking about CAMP! At the end of the term, we are off to Mill Valley Ranch. We will do so many fun activities such as horse riding, archery, camp cooking, night hikes and many more. We are looking forward to sleeping in cabins with our friends and participating in Cowboy Chapel! We will certainly need a rest after this term!
Year 5
We have had an amazing start to Semester 2. We began by watching Indescribable by Louie Giglio where we looked in awe and wonder at God’s creation. This understanding was extended at the Barn where we observed everyday objects through a digital microscope. Looking through the digital microscope enabled us to zoom in and marvel at the intricate patterns and designs God created.
Can you guess what these objects are? We then zoomed out and explored the enormity of the universe in Integrated Studies. Practising writing procedures in our Big Writes will undoubtedly prepare us well for writing instructions about how to conduct science experiments.
Year 6
Term 3 started with a splash as we dove right into rehearsals for our musical Finding Nemo JR. After an intense audition process during Term 2, followed by two sessions of callbacks, we finally found out our roles after our weeks of hard work. We sat in the Junior School theatrette, anxiously as Mr Clarke got ready to read out our roles. One by one, he announced the roles, and after each name was called, applause erupted throughout the Upper Primary building as friends and peers congratulated each other. The anticipation to begin rehearsals buzzed through the air.
We are so looking forward to when we will start practising with the other year levels to show what we have been learning, and we appreciate all the time, effort and dedication that Mr Clarke has put in so far. Finding Nemo JR will be an amazing show. We cannot wait to see you there!
Written by
Rose Moulton (6B), Olivia Hu (6G), Lachlan Edwards (6B)