College Notices

Carparking Reminder
We have recently received feedback about parking issues around Gregory Street and Bayview Terrace. To maintain good relationships with our neighbours and local businesses, please remember to park only in designated areas, ensure you are not blocking driveways, follow all signs and respect time limits.
Your cooperation helps us stay a positive part of the community. Continued violations might lead to formal actions, so let’s work together to prevent any further issues.
Message from the Enrolments Team
Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations Friendly Reminder
Parents/caregivers are reminded to review our Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations on a regular basis.
We would like to provide families with a friendly reminder that a full term’s written notice, addressed to the principal, is required when withdrawing a student from the College to avoid fees being charged in lieu of notice.
Where a student is leaving at the end of the school year, notice must be received by the first day of Term 4.
Notice is to be provided via email to and