
Ms Kelly Clunn and Ms Natalie LaGarde - Assistant Principals, Wellbeing

Our Wellbeing lessons continue to be supported by the Open Parachute Program across years 7-10. This term we have been learning about topics such as consent, the effects of self image from social media, bullying, boundary setting and empowerment. 


The programs are designed by a team of Clinical Psychologists and educators, so that the support which normally only takes place for a few students is now translated into easily accessible learning activities for every student and delivered by the chevalier Wellbeing teachers. 


Below are some ideas for family discussions around the topics we have been learning:


Year 7

What things on social media positively impact your self-esteem? What things on social media negatively impact your self-esteem? 

Year 8

Think about how you interact with others on social media. What are the impacts and risks of negatively commenting on other people’s bodies online? 

Year 9

Discuss the unhelpful cultural messages you have been exposed to, and how they impact you (E.g., ‘Money is the most important thing.’)

Year 10

Come up with a phrase that you would find most helpful when you feel stressed (e.g., I know you have a lot going on. Thinking of you.”) Then, each family member will share their helpful phrase. 

Year 11 Student Leadership

The process of Year 11 Student Leadership is now well under way with a pleasing 67 applications submitted for consideration.


The students were interviewed this term during week 3, reflecting on what they would bring to their nominated role, describing their understanding of ‘Servant Leadership’ along with other reflections.  


2024/2025 Student Leadership roles will consist of 

  • 2 College Captains
  • 2 College Vice Captains
  • 12 House Captains
  • 18 Portfolio Captains (in the areas of Academia, CAPA, Content Creation, Industry and Innovation, Liturgy, Social Justice, Sport, Stewardship, and Student Care). It is important to note that each portfolio will only be offered if there are suitable candidates for the role and may not have two students in each of the roles. 

All candidates participated in a mandatory Leadership Formation Day at Hartzer Park on 19 August. Mr Heard and Mr Higson started the day with icebreakers and leadership initiatives to demonstrate the significance of our actions and decision making and how they impact others in leadership scenarios.  


The remainder of the day was held at Hartzer Park where Mr Abbey led us in an opening liturgy and explored the idea of ‘lollypop moments’, again reminding us that our words and actions have an impact on others and also how we ourselves, have been impacted. Fr John led us in an activity where we examined the MSC Constitutions, allowing us the opportunity to reflect upon real life examples where we have seen these in action.  Mr Miller then shared some significant stories on his experience in Leadership and defining our leadership model of ‘Servant Leadership.’ This was followed by an activity working on a Leaders Theme for 2024/2025 working together in our Houses. We then finished our day with a hand washing ceremony and final blessing. 


We congratulate all the candidates on their valuable contributions throughout the day. 


This will be followed by a House Leadership afternoon where candidates will work together with other students in their House focussing on House initiatives, supported by their House Coordinators. 


From here, College Staff and Year 11 students will have the opportunity to discern who they feel may be most suitable to be considered for the nominated roles.


We look forward to continuing to work with our Year 11 students and again thank them 

for putting themselves forward to serve the College and celebrate with the Leaders' Investiture, which will be held on the morning of Wednesday, 11 September.

SIM Course Years 7-10 

Our students in Years 7-10 are continuing their SIM (Strengths, Interests and Motivation) course during Term 3. All Year groups have now completed Unlocking their Strengths gaining a clear understanding of their top two Strength Profiles and Superpowers. 


The focus for this term: 

  • Years 7 and 8 - Unlocking their Interests
  • Year 9 - Unlocking their Motivation
  • Year 10 - Activating their Motivation

Year 10 were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be involved in a SIM Bootcamp workshop on Monday 29th July. This workshop supported them in their subject choice selections for 2025 along with being invaluable for those students who will be transitioning to the workforce.