Life Saving Victoria Excursion

Yesterday, students in Years 3-6 participated in a Life Saving Victoria excursion at Seaford Beach.
Students participated in a range of activities learning all about water safety while at the beach. See below images and reflections from 5/6J.
Anthony P
My favourite part of the day is when we had the life jackets. The instructors told us to grab onto the back of the person in front of us and then they pulled us through the water like a rollercoaster!
I learnt how to do the Response in DRSABCD by using the acronym COWS. ‘Can you hear me, Open your eyes, What is your name and Squeeze my hand then let go’.
The water was very cold but very fun. My favourite part of the excursion was when we used the life jacket and the instructors pulled us on our back. What I learned during the excursion was the DRSABCD and making sure you used the COWS acronym.
During our excursion to Seaford Beach we had to wear bright pink rashies for visibility and do a rotation of activities. My favourite part of the day was the life jacket activity where everyone in your group would wear a life jacket and hold on to each other while laying down, then your instructors would pull everyone in a chain and you would all move together. It was a great day even though the weather was not kind to us
Even though the water was really cold, my favourite part of the swimming excursion was when we had to float in a circle. These scenarios practised protecting different people for example: an old person, a pregnant lady, a person who can't swim and a baby. Overall the experience was great!
My Favourite part was the boogie boarding and racing everyone but there was so much more to do! I also had fun doing the rescues! I have to admit the beach was as cold as a pack of peppermints! Also, I learnt that the acronym COWS. It meant, C= Can you hear me, O=Open your eyes, W=What's your name, S=Squeeze my hands and let go! I had a lot of fun and hope I go again soon!
On our excursion to Seaford Beach we did so many activities that taught us how to keep ourselves and others safe. One thing I learnt was the 4 questions to ask to see if someone is conscious, we used the acronym COWS to remember them. COWS stands for ‘Can you hear me, Open your eyes, What is your name and Squeeze my hand then let go’. My favourite part of the beach excursion was the boogie board activity because it was really fun. Overall, it was a great day!
During the beach excursion, we learned about water safety. We went through the DRSABCD and other safety things like throwing objects into the water that can float. We learnt that signs at the beach explain beach rules and regulations. It was freezing and the water was so cold! We learnt the acronym COWS, it was funny. Cows stands for: Can you hear me, Open your eyes, What is your name and squeeze my hand and let go. We also did some paddle boarding and lifejacket activities. It was a great experience.
Will C
On our excursion to Seaford Beach we did a lot of activities despite the cold wind. We did a lesson where we learnt about what each sign means. When we went in the water we did a race with boogie boards for about 10-15 minutes. We put on life jackets and went into the water for another 10 minutes. In the end, we all had lots of fun.
My favourite part of the day was when we got to do boogie boarding and when we got to put life jackets on. In the life jackets, we held onto the person in front of us then the instructor pulled us all around.
We went to Seaford beach for our excursion and it was really fun. The best part of the day was when we went into the water with our boogie boards and we got to swim. Despite the cold weather, we all had a blast. My lifeguard instructors were Emma and Charlotte. The activities were great and it was a good day.
My favourite part of the Seaford Excursion had to be when my group used the bodyboards (boogie boards). We went pretty deep into the cold seawater. The instructor called out “3, 2, 1 GO!” and when we jumped on our board the waves pushed us really far. It was so fun and I had a great time even though the water was freezing.
Michaela N
The water was so cold! One of the instructors pretended to be unconscious, so he lay on the sand and stuck his tongue out. We did lots of different activities which I really enjoyed.
When we went to Seaford Beach, it was cold but first we got to run around to warm up. Our first activity was learning about the cautions at the beach. Some of the main ones were to beware of snakes and rip currents. If there is an emergency, we learnt about DRSABCD.
At Seaford Beach, it was cold and the water was freezing. We had to wear bright pink rashies. The first activity that I did was the lifejackets. We had to go into a line and hold onto the person in front of us in the water and our instructor pulled us. It was like a roller coaster, it was fun.
Our beach excursion was terrific, we learned about water safety and what to do in an emergency. My favourite part was when we pretended we were lost at sea, we linked arms and got in a circle, even though the water was freezing we still had lots of fun in this activity. Another practice that I really enjoyed was when we had to save each other with floaties. I partnered up with my friend Nathaniel. We both tripped over, into the water. We got soaked in the icy, cold water. In conclusion, even though it was cold and started to rain, we had a day filled with lots of fun and learning.
I learnt DRSABCD, which stands for Danger, Response, Send for help , Airways, Breathing, CPR and Defibrillation. My favorite part was when we did a game with the boogie boards. The games was that you hold a boogie board and move to a different one when the instructor says to move left, right, clap 3 times or spin around . I also learnt that COWS stands for ‘Can you hear me ,Open your eyes, What is your name and Squeeze my hands’.
When we got there, the first activity I did was going into the water with the lifejackets. The water was freezing but we survived. Next, we went to the rescue activity where you had to choose a partner to rescue. When the main instructor blew her whistle that meant that we had to change activities with the other groups. Whereas if she blew her whistle 3 times then that meant that there was an emergency and we had to evacuate the water. After that, we talked about dangers at the beach and how to save others by using DRSABCD. We got to practise saving someone with a friend. At that time it was really cold so our leaders let us grab our towels while we did some activities. Now, for my favourite part of the day; BOOGIE BOARDING! We went deep into the water where the waves were very strong. They let us surf on our tummies to try and reach the shore. It was an amazing day and when we all came back we were exhausted.
My favourite part of the excursion to Seaford Beach was when we were playing a game where some people on one side shouted, “Help!” and the people on the other side would run to them and ‘rescue’ them with something, such as a bicycle helmet. The weather was as cold as the North Pole.