Little Joeys

Little Joey's meet for the first time this year on Thursday. The children had a wonderful time getting their craft item for the show finished.
Following is some information about Little Joey's. Please let friends and family know they are most welcome to join us on Thursday's.
Welcome to St Joseph’s “Little Joey’s” School Readiness Program for 2025
Meeting time: Thursdays 9:30 to 11:30 am
Facility/Venue: St Joseph’s School Hall – Meade Street Entrance, Glen Innes
School Contact: Pauline Gannon – 02 6732 1372 or 0428322553
Ages: 0-5yrs; children need to be accompanied by an adult
Session outline: Our “Little Joey’s” school readiness program runs on an informal basis. Please note the following flexible timetable as a guide to the sessions.
9.30am: Meet and greet everyone.
9:45am- 10.30am: Free play, including art/craft activity, a variety of toys and puzzles to suit different ages and stages of development and fine and gross motor activities.
10.30am: Tidy up
10:45am: Story and Music activity. Volunteers are also welcome to read to the group.
11:00am: Morning tea
11.10am: Indoor games or outdoor play(weather permitting).
11.25am - 11.30am: Home
What do you bring?
- A hat for outside play (preferably wide brimmed or legionnaire style)
- Water bottle for your child.
Morning tea and celebrations
Coffee and tea are provided by the school and we will take turns to help with the preparation and serving of morning tea. For a birthday, you may like to bring something special to share and help celebrate. Please be mindful that there may be someone in the group with food allergies.
Helping Out at “Little Joey’s”
Everyone is welcome to help out where needed with running the school readiness sessions. We hope once you are familiar with the sessions, you will feel able to contribute, either through a roster or informally. At times, you will also be needed to help with other tasks such as cutting up fruit for morning tea, or perhaps be invited to prepare a simple activity for the children or read a story. Together with the teacher leader, members will work out the best way of organising tasks and activities for the group.
Enrolment Forms
Each family member will need to complete an enrolment form to ensure that you are covered for insurance and contact details for you and in case of an emergency are on file. You may also be asked to complete a photo consent form – this is voluntary. Please talk to Pauline Gannon if you need help with this.
Signing in and Health and Safety
Signing in: Please sign in each week on the “Little Joey’s” attendance sheet.
Sick children: If your child is unwell, they should not attend school readiness. Please be considerate of others when deciding if you should attend school readiness. Your child may also struggle if he or she is feeling unwell.
Children: Each parent/carer is responsible for their own child’s health, safety, and behaviour.
Supervision and guiding children’s behaviour
Parents are expected to participate in activities with their children and to supervise them at all times. This includes during mat times when we will be joining in music and stories and also during craft activities. Participating with your child in these sessions helps them to understand what to do and how to behave at these times. It also lets them know that you value what they are doing.
At “Little Joey’s” we align with St Joseph’s philosophy that every child should feel Safe, Valued, Respected and Cared For.
What will it cost?
The St Joseph’s “Little Joey’s” school readiness program is free.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about “Little Joey’s” or have a concern you would like to raise, please feel free to speak to one of the school contact persons.
We look forward to seeing you at school readiness each week on a Thursday during school terms.
Teacher – Pauline Gannon Principal – Casey Chard