General Information


Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their birthday in Week's 1, 2, 3 and 4 of term: 

Hallie Parish, Strauss Dodds, Naysha Chand, Xavier price, Sam Barratt, Mrs Core.


Principal: Casey Chard

Assistant Principal: Rickie Withers

Religious Education Coordinator & Mathematics Specialist Teacher: Katie McMeniman

Leader of Pedagogy: Kylie McCarthy

Sports Coordinator: Jackie Barratt

Inclusion Support Teacher: Pauline Gannon

Library: Cath Adams

Release from Face-to-Face: Rickie Withers, Cath Adams, Shanny Core


Kindergarten: Linda McShane, Kylie McCarthy (Mon-Thu 9-1), Christine Webel (Educational Assistant)

Stage 1: Gillian Hogan, Kirsty Kent, Sarah Smith (Tue-Wed), Ron Webel (Educational Assistant)

Stage 2: Libby Little, Jackie Barratt (Mon-Tue), Frances Parsons (Wed-Fri), Michelle Tarrant (Educational Assistant)

Stage 3: Tracey Condrick, Karen Marshall, Katie McMeniman (English & Mathematics), Karen Fletcher (Educational Assistant)

Reception: Bec Willis

Administration: Bea Baker (Tue-Thu)

ICT & Administration: Kim Newberry (Mon, Wed, Fri)

Grounds & Maintenance: John Cameron

Cleaner: Sharon Jarvis



In 2025, school fees will be billed annually at the start of the school year. To make payments more manageable, families have the option to pay in 10 monthly installments from February to November.

In Term 1, families will receive an annual Tax Invoice/Statement, followed by monthly statements to help keep track of payments.

We understand that financial situations can change, and we are here to support families who may be experiencing hardship. If you need assistance or would like to discuss an alternative payment arrangement, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

For your convenience, school fees can be paid using BPAY, EFTPOS, Credit Card, Cash, or Cheque. Our preferred payment method is BPAY.

If you have any questions about fees or payment options, please reach out to our office—we’re happy to help!


  • Will start next Tuesday 11th February and is available on Tuesdays' and Fridays.
  • The menu for this term is attached. Please only order what is on the menu.
  • There will be NO online orders at the moment. All orders will need to be on the paper bag supplied by the school, with the order written on the front and the correct money enclosed.
  • If you require some bags to be sent home please contact the office.


Sports uniform is to worn on Fridays. Year 6 students are able to wear their Year 6 t-shirts once they arrive. Our sports uniform is available at Carelle's and at St Vinnies. If you have any problems please let the school know.


On Friday's the students will participate in sport, library, music and every second Friday will be assembly. Please ensure your children remember to  bring their library bags to take their borrowed books home in. Parents are invited to attend assembly on the even Friday (eg: Week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) of the fortnight. The assembly starts at 2:45pm and is held in the hall. Access is through the Meade Street gate.


  • The school is a No Hat No Play school. Please ensure your child has their school hat, clearly named in their bag each day.
  • Please ensure all items of clothing, lunch boxes and drink bottles are clearly marked with your child's name so they can easily be returned if found.
  • Office hours are 8:45am to 3:30pm. If you call the office and the phone is not answered please leave a message and one of the office staff will return your call.
  • Student house colours are PENOLA- red, MACKILLOP - yellow, FITZROY- blue. If your child does not know what house they are in please get them to see Mrs Barratt or the office staff to find out. Students can wear their house colours for the swimming carnival and the athletics carnival.
  • Supervision of students starts at 8:40am and finishes at 3:30pm. Students are not to be on school grounds outside these times. Students can not be left in the office for collection after 3:30pm. 
  • Food Intolerance: at times classes have celebrations where food is shared in a class/school group and if the staff are unaware of food intolerances they are unable to cater to all student's needs. If your child has a food intolerance please let the school know.