Deutsche Ecke
R-2 Libby Edwards
Yrs 3-6 Emma Chesterman
Deutsche Ecke
R-2 Libby Edwards
Yrs 3-6 Emma Chesterman
Ever wondered about that twisty, salty bread called a pretzel? In Germany, they call it a "Brezel," and it's been around for a long time! A pretzel (or Brezel) is a baked bread made from dough, and it's usually shaped into a twisted knot. Pretzel-baking is super popular in Southern Germany – it's a big part of their traditions! Some people think monks invented pretzels way back when as a treat for kids who were good at praying. Imagine getting a yummy pretzel for learning your prayers!
By the time knights and castles were a big deal, pretzels were already super popular in Germany. Bakers even had special clubs just for pretzel-making! Pretzels are often seasoned with salt, but sometimes you'll find them with cheese, sugar, chocolate, seeds, or even nuts! When people from Germany moved to other countries, they brought their pretzel recipes with them, so now lots of people enjoy them.
Today, pretzels are still a favourite in Germany. You can eat them soft and chewy (those should be eaten right away!) or crunchy and hard (those can last much longer!). They're often served with mustard or a cheesy dip. They're a must-have at fun festivals like Oktoberfest! You might remember reading about Oktoberfest on our DEUTSCHE ECKE iNewsletter page last year. The 2024 Year 3s had a fun time taking on the challenge of using playdough to represent the pretzel dough and learning the steps to make the knot shape. We've included some pictures of their creations and the steps again for you to try at home!
Have a look around the school! You will notice PRETZELMANIA in the window of M1 and also in the LIBRARY as students from Years 1-6 have decorated their own pretzels, including some German words and pictures. They look BRETZEL-TASTISCH! Keep looking over the coming days as more appear!
See those three holes in the pretzel's shape? Some people think they remind us of something special, like a secret code! So, next time you eat a pretzel, remember its long and tasty story!
Here’s to another year of learning German language as well as finding out more about German culture and traditions.
Frau Edwards and Frau Chesterman