Class Reps and Whats App groups 2025 

Do you want to be a Class Rep? 

Each class will have two parent class representatives. If you are interested in helping in this way, please click on this link


2025 Class WhatsApp joining codes


As many of you will know, our school community uses WhatsApp as a way for classes to communicate and stay up to date. These class chats have proven to be a great resource to many families over the years.


If you would like to join your child's class chat for 2025, we have streamlined the process.  Below is a list of each grade and teacher with a unique link. Click onto the link next to the class your child is in this year for direct access to that class chat.  You can start meeting the other parents right away. 


Please remember, these groups are used and managed by the parent class representatives to filter information through and to help you stay connected with others in your class.  There is no obligation to join and anyone can exit the group at any time. There are no teachers or school staff in these groups as they are completely parent run. We are currently developing a WhatsApp group code of conduct which will be distributed in Term 1. 


GradeTeacherWhatsApp link 



Kirstin Jones 



Lyndsey Thwaites/Sarah Amiconi 



Bella O’Hoy 



Lisa Kanaris 



Llaaneath Poor 



Julie Tainsh 



Claire Ballot 



Paula Paziotis/Karin Tsiandikos-Huf 



Clare Efron 



Kim Seng / Jen Coombs 



Phil Wickham/Carlos Milan 



Kristen Schultz/Claire Brennan