KGT - Environment 

Our stick insects have names ! Lollipop and Ghidorah. They live in this cage. We clean it and give them fresh food every Thursday during KGT. We have a new stick insect called Green Runner Bean.
Our stick insects have names ! Lollipop and Ghidorah. They live in this cage. We clean it and give them fresh food every Thursday during KGT. We have a new stick insect called Green Runner Bean.






Some of the Grade 6 Environment Pillar leaders. The boys are doing a great job keeping the tools in order.
Some of the Grade 6 Environment Pillar leaders. The boys are doing a great job keeping the tools in order.



Happy students raking the leaves under the she-oak grove. The she-oaks were planted by students in KGT about 10 years ago.
Happy students raking the leaves under the she-oak grove. The she-oaks were planted by students in KGT about 10 years ago.
Team SWEEP - great work boys!
Team SWEEP - great work boys!


We are inviting families to join in on our Environment program called KGT. It is  held every Thursday from 2.30-3.30.


Thanks to those families who have volunteered already. We are planning the sessions for the remainder of the term and hope to include a pancake making session (using our own eggs!) as part of KGT.


The students would love your help even if only for 10 minutes. 


Any involvement will support the planting, preparation and on-going care of plants that we grow at school. This will benefit all our local native plants and animals to thrive in the B.P.P.S. community for many years to come. 


Thank you to the families who have sent fruit and vegetable scraps for the chickens and empty egg cartons. We appreciate your support. 


We are in need of old-fashioned eggbeaters to use when making pancakes with our eggs from school. If you have any that you would be happy to donate please send them to 5CB.