Visual Arts

From the Visual Arts room.


Students have explored primary colours to create a primary colour flower garden.  The students have also been developing their scissor skills in fringing flowers and cutting out their butterflies. The gardens will be completed soon.


Grades 1 and 2

Students have explored primary and secondary colours to create a flower garden. Students have also been developing their scissors skills, learning how to hold the paper and open and close the scissors.

The gardens will be completed soon.


Grades 3 and 4

Students explored primary and secondary colours by creating a paper collage. Students used their scissor skills to cut segments of primary colours and complete their composition by gluing onto a secondary colour. 


Grades 5 and 6

Students have almost completed their continuous line self portrait collage. Using a photo of themselves, students used a black marker to draw their self portrait. Students concentrated on their photo and use a continuous line to draw their features, without looking at the paper they were drawing on. Enclosed lines were then coloured using colour pencil. Students used their scissor skills to cut out their continuous line self portraits and complete their composition. 


Art Smocks

Please make sure that your child has a labelled art smock at school as soon as possible.  

It is very important that an art smock is brought to school so that school uniforms can be protected during painting, clay and construction activities.  

Smocks can be placed in your child's art smock tub located in their classroom. 


Just take a moment to ....

Use a pair of scissors. 

Learning to cut with scissors helps to build hand strength and develop hand eye co-ordination. While using scissors the child is improving visual motor and visual perceptual skills. Scissor skills development is an important fine motor task that may be incorporated into birthday cards and thank you cards, decoupage and decorating.


Maryanne Cozzio

Visual Arts Teacher