New Staff @ MCC

Welcome New Staff 


Name: Alex Forrest

Teaching Faculty: HSIE/Maths

What are your hobbies/talents: Going for walks with my dog, running and watching footy.

Background information about yourself: I was born in Griffith where I went to Marian and have been teaching on the Central Coast for the past two years. I have now moved back home to teach at Marian.

Favourite book/movie: 1984

What is one of your favourite things about teaching: The rewarding experience of being able to pass on knowledge through teaching.

What are your goals for the year: To get to know all of the staff and students at the school.



Name: Kamal Kumar Medabala

Teaching Faculty: Religious Education

What are your hobbies/talents: Reading books, gardening, helping in the kitchen to my wife, singing traditional Christian songs in our mother tongue Telugu, leading the family prayer every single day.

Background information about yourself: Originally, from the Southern part of India, the state is called Andhra Pradesh, but been in New Zealand since 2007, I am married, blessed with two children, 26 years old son, 24 years old daughter and also I am very happy to say that I am so blessed with a beautiful grandchild to my daughter, named Anissa Priya named after the Grace of God.

Favourite book/movie: The Holy Bible/The Passion of Christ.

What is one of your favourite things about teaching: At MCC even if it is the first time, I am so fortunate to teach Religion because I am very much interested in extending the kingdom of God through my teaching.

What are your goals for the year: To prove myself a good teacher and a good human being.


Name: Bipin John 

Teaching Faculty: English

What are your hobbies/talents:Visiting places and photography

Background information about yourself: Originally from India but has been teaching in New Zealand for the last 6 years. Also has Western Australian teacher registration

Favourite book/movie: Matirx

What is one of your favourite things about teaching:  Smile on students' face

What are your goals for the year: Achieve proficiency



Name: Channa Phillip

Teaching Faculty: Math/Science

What are your hobbies/talents: Eating, music, fishing, sport

Background information about yourself: From Adelaide and completed my studies there. Recently returned to Australia after a 20 year adventure working overseas

Favourite book/movie: The Usual suspects

What is one of your favourite things about teaching: The opportunities it has given me and the people I have met

What are your goals for the year: Experience Australia after a long absence



Name: Miss Fletcher

Teaching Faculty: I am teaching PDHPE, Science and Maths this year.

What are your hobbies/talents: I have an Athletics background of coaching and competing for the last 26 years. In 2023 I was the Australian Masters Athletics Champion in Javelin, winning Gold in my age group. I am now training to get ready for the World Masters Athletics Championships in 2029 in Perth.

Background information about yourself: I started my teaching in 2007 at Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Wade and have since taught at Murrumbidgee Regional High School - Griffith, followed by 7 years of PDHPE Teaching and Sport Coordinator at St Mary's Primary School Yoogali. I have 3 beautiful children in Year 10, Year 6 and Year 4 who keep me busy with their sport and extra curricular activities. We love travelling in our caravan and planning the next trip.

Favourite book/movie: I love Avatar, Harry Potter but love a good action movie too.

What is one of your favourite things about teaching: I enjoy making a difference and teaching new skills to my students. 

What are your goals for the year: This year I am hoping to further my knowledge across different Learning Areas (Science/Maths) and develop meaningful and engaging lessons with my students. 


Name: Glen Culling

Teaching Faculty: HSIE and RE

What are your hobbies/talents: I'm a guitarist, I run, play cricket, and camp. 

Background information about yourself: 

- I was born in South Africa. 

- I have 4 degrees (Theology, Ancient Greek, and Teaching).

- I moved to Australia in 2016, and have lived in 4 Australian cities: Sydney, Brisbane, Kingaroy, and now Griffith. 

- I used to work as a youth pastor before going into teaching full time. 

Favourite book/movie: I really enjoyed the Harry Potter books - even though that's hard to admit as a teacher! As for movies... I have a top 5: Logan, Dark Knight Rises, The King's Speech, Jojo Rabbit, Boy in The Striped Pajamas.

What is one of your favourite things about teaching: I get to support teenagers through big phases of change. I really feel like my job matters. 

What are your goals for the year: 

- Have a positive year.

- Help others to be positive about the year. 


Name: Fapiola Uoifalelahi

Teaching Faculty:Religion/PDHPE

Hobbies/Talents: Rugby, music, and CrossFit

Background Information: I am a local who left Griffith to play rugby in Sydney for two years. I am excited to return and be a part of the MCC School Community.

Favourite Book/Movie: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

One of My Favourite Things About Teaching: Helping students become the best versions of themselves.

Goals for the Year: To play for Tonga this year and win the Oceania Cup 2025