Wellbeing/Pastoral Care News

I would like to wish a very warm welcome to our new and existing families as we begin our new school year. Staff and students have returned with great enthusiasm, battling a very hot first week and now have settled into daily school routines.


Our Pastoral Leaders team has been working hard to ensure a smooth return to school for all our students. We welcome Mr Glen Culling to this team. His experience and work in the pastoral field will be invaluable as he settles into his role as Year 9 Pastoral Leader. Mr Albert Alexander has taken the leap from Year 12 to Year 7 and is working tirelessly to ensure a smooth smart to high school for this group of students. Please reach out to your child’s Pastoral Leader if you have concerns. You may be re-directed to a classroom teacher or Leader of Learning if that is more appropriate. If necessary the Pastoral Leader may seek support from myself or our College counselor, Karen Surian. Our Student Support Worker, Sue Hone, provides invaluable support and experience in this space also. This year we are also pleased to be welcoming another Counselor on a part-time base. Georgia Green will be joining the team on Monday and Tuesday and is currently getting to know the College and starting to work with students. As a team, working with families, we aim to provide the best outcome for our students. 


As the new school year commences we know that students and families are excited to meet their new teachers and find out their new classes. While these classes might be different for returning students than in previous years, we have utmost confidence that all staff and classmates will provide a productive and supportive learning environment for all students. 

While we understand families may have individual requests and preferences for certain staff and students in their classes, there are many factors which influence our timetable and as such it is very difficult to meet each individual request. As a school that believes in the Growth Mindset, we ask that all students actively engage in their current classes and take Term 1 to adjust to these new environments. We encourage ongoing communication with the classroom teacher to clarify questions about student learning.


Please remember that attendance is crucial in optimising learning. We ask all parents to use Compass to communicate any absences. Regular or prolonged absence has a negative impact on learning.





A reminder that in line with NSW Department of Education policy students in years 7 - 12 are not to have mobile phones or smart watches on their person at school. Please ensure your child has a card or cash if they are to make purchases at the canteen.


All students and their families are asked to support the school uniform policy. At Marian we take pride in our uniform and as such ask that students only wear their sport uniform on the days that their timetable indicates they do so. You can monitor this by checking their timetable - if it indicates “SPORT” they wear their sport uniform. If it indicates PDHPE and the designated space is OVAL they also wear their sport uniform. IF a classroom, for example E3 is indicated they should be in their full school uniform. Hats are very important and must be worn in all uncovered outdoor spaces. Fingernails should only be a neutral colour and facial hair should be removed. Weak for parental support in monitoring this.


In 2024 Marian commenced its journey in the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework. This will be ongoing as we focus on the core values of RESPECT, COMMUNITY and GROWTH. Students and staff will be encouraged to reflect on these values in their day to day school life and look at what it means to “Live the Marian Way”



I look forward to working with our College community to help provide a safe, supportive and positive learning environment.


 Trish Star

Leader of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care