Year 3-6 Sector
Year 3-6 Sector
What a wonderful start to Grade 3 students have had!
All students are settling in well and getting use to the changes of being big grade 3’s.
During the first week of school students participated in our start up program which gave them opportunity to get to know each other and start to understand the expectations of their classroom and Brookside college.
Mavis – We have been learning about our expectations and how to get 4R superstar awards so we can earn Brookside bucks and spend them at the SWPBS shop at the end of term. In writing we have been learning about adjectives and rainbow writing so we can practice writing on dotted thirds. I am excited about SAKG.
Amelia – So far in grade 3 I have enjoyed decorating our belonging wall, watching movies and doing maths. I am very excited for the swimming carnival.
Honoka – I have really enjoyed drama and I also have enjoyed reading. I enjoyed drama because we got to play games and I enjoyed reading because I got to do some fun activities. I am excited about cooking and gardening because it sounds fun!
The Grade 3 team look forward to a wonderful year!
We are proud of all our students' efforts, positive mindsets and look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments with them throughout these units.
Year 3 Team
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In Term 1, The new year 4’s have started off with a BANG! They have settled into their new classes and are enjoying their new rooms and teachers in the Grade 4 building.
In English the year 4’s have been building a love for reading and writing. They have been exploring numerous texts they enjoy and have been identifying their interests as readers and writers! We have also started exploring numerous reading comprehension strategies such as predicting, connecting, summarising and lots more! The year 4 students have also thoroughly enjoyed gathering ideas in their thinkers journal for writing and learning to leave thinking tracks with evidence as they read. We also have our very own class novel by Roald Dahl. Students will begin to read and write narrative texts as the term continues.
In Maths we have been revisiting familiar concepts such as number and place value along with completing our pre assessments for each maths strand on essential assessment. While doing this we are also learning new and interactive maths games that we can play at home and at school and will help us with our maths skills.
We have also enjoyed starting all other subjects including Science where we are beginning to explore the elements of physical science like force and motion. We are learning the differences between all the different types of forces such as Gravitational force, electric force, magnetic force and more. We are looking forward to observing the impact and effects these forces have on moving objects.
Most importantly we are all reading for an exciting and jam packed year ahead and have had an amazing time building new relationships with our teachers and classmates in year 4. In year 4 we all feel we belong even more so here is a picture of our year 4 house belonging wall that all students have created….
Here is what some of our new year 4’s had to say about their first two weeks of school in 2025.
Madison 4A
“I’m really happy because I love my new class and I love my new teacher”
“I’m feeling really calm and settled in my class and in year 4”
“I am super excited for camp this year and I really like year 4 so far”
''In year 4, kindness is our jam!''
Year 4 Team
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The Grade 5 students have settled into the 2025 school year with ease! Students have enjoyed getting to know their peers and teachers through lots of games and get to know you activities. Students have been building a love of literacy in their classrooms by sharing their favourite books and authors.
In Reading, the focus is building upon students’ comprehension skills through reading a range of mentor texts.
In Writing, the focus is Narratives and creating creative characters for their writing, which students have really enjoyed so far!
In Maths, students will start by looking at both place value and data.
To find out more about your child’s learning and upcoming units, please keep an eye out on Seesaw.
According to many students, the highlight of Grade 5 so far has been Sport! Students have truly enjoyed having time to try out some new sports and cannot wait for their next session!
Kind regards,
Grade 5 Teachers
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This week our newsletter was written by Marley and Charlie from 6D, check out what we have been up to below!
“Charlie: hi I’m Charlie and Marley
Charlie: In writing we are learning about story sparks and ideas to add to our writing and make it more interesting to read.
Marley: Inreading we are reading a book called little lion a long way home by Saroo Brierley in the book it talks about a little boy who wants to help his family.
Charlie: For maths we have did a lot of Eas and some fun math games such as 4 corners and race to 0 they have been heaps of excitement.
Marley: In science we are learning about microorganisms which you can only see under a microscope and includes bacteria fungi etc.
Charlie: In art we are learning about jean Michel Basquiat a famous poet, artist, musician and graffitiing artist.
Marley: In pe we are doing athletics and getting ready for the athletics carnival like high jump, running and more.
Charlie: In music we are playing the keyboard and guitar and playing the notes.
Marley: And this year in year 6 we are looking forward to inter school sports this term we are doing t-ball, soccer, footy, netball, and hockey also we got our year 6 tops that most of have.
Charlie: We are so excited to meet our new prep buddies soon and what we are going to do with them and all the fun we will have.
Marley: Thank you for listening to us”
"In Year 6 we are cool because we thrive at school."
Grade 6 Team