Student Awards - Term 4

November/December "Reflect and Celebrate"
FOUNDATION B - Leanna M for enjoying the carols night and dancing with enthusiasm during our song.
FOUNDATION B - Ruhi S for her participation and informative responses during our Aboriginal Art Incursion.
FOUNDATION B - Alvin V for his hard work during swimming lessons. Keep it up!
FOUNDATION B - Rihaan S for your hard work and steady progress this year.You’ve done an amazing job!
FOUNDATION G - Makenzi T for her wonderful enthusiasm during carols practise and on the performance night – we’ll miss you next year! Well done, Makenzi!
FOUNDATION L - Kiara P for fully embracing the experience of your first school carols with a heart full of fun and excitement!
FOUNDATION L - Enzo F for your excitement and great questions during the Aboriginal art incursion, sharing connections, loving making paint with Ochre, and carefully designing your boomerang!
FOUNDATION L - Henri H for treating us to an amazing keyboard performance at the music concert and showcasing exceptional skill and technique. Well done Henri!
FOUNDATION L - Harvey C for taking part in the swimming program, growing his confidence in the water, and finding enjoyment in the lessons.
YEAR 1/2E - Hailey T for the courage, determination and perseverance she has shown in swimming lessons.
YEAR 1/2E - Aria D for the enthusiasm and confidence she displayed during swimming lessons.
YEAR 1/2PH - Madison H for her enthusiasm during our carols practises over the past 2 weeks. Well done!
YEAR 1/2D - Eden S for working as a team and kindly helping others when needed!!
YEAR 1/2D - Ivy H for practising her reading skills and speaking more clearly in front of the class.
YEAR 1/2D - Chanel P for providing positive energy in the classroom and making people smile.
YEAR 1/2K - Kelly V for her dedication to improving her number sense and tackling more complex tasks with persistence. Well done Kelly!
YEAR 1/2K - Jai C for taking ownership of his learning and developing strategies to achieve his learning goals.
YEAR 1/2K - Emir G for being a little 'Pocket Rocket' and showing your fantastic skills during our reading lessons.
YEAR 1/2M - Wilson N for being a consistently hard worker throughout the year. Well done, Wilson!
YEAR 1/2M - Flynn M for continuously being a helpful role model within the classroom.
YEAR 1/2FM - Devon M for her dedication and hard working approach she has towards her learning. Well done Devon, you are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Clara N for the courage and excitement she displayed when performing at the Christmas Carols. Well done Clara - you are a Superstar! ⭐
YEAR 3/4B - Max D for excellent grid drawing of JK Rowling in Visual Art. Well done Max.
YEAR 3/4B - Saina V for excellent grid drawing of JK Rowling. Saina also completed an excellent drawing of herself using the grid method. Keep up the great work in Visual Art!
YEAR 3/4B - Keegan N for performing the role of Junior Mayor in 3/4B really thoroughly and always using his initiative to see what needs to be done. Love your work Keegan!
YEAR 3/4B - Ethan H for performing the role of Treasurer in 3/4 B with careful attention to detail at all times. Ethan was always ready to complete his duties quietly and efficiently. Well done Ethan.
YEAR 3/4C - Zoe C for being an amazing buddy and teacher to the Year 2 students during transition afternoons. Thank you Zoe!
YEAR 3/4C - Yasmin C for working hard and applying herself in all areas this year to achieve various learning goals. Well done Yasmin!
YEAR 3/4KC - Alita K for putting in a wonderful year of hard work and dedication in 3/4 KC.
YEAR 3/4KC -
YEAR 3/4S - Aston W for for applying himself and focusing in writing to be able to write some very creative similes.
YEAR 3/4M - Ryan L for for unwavering respect, hard work, and remarkable resilience throughout the year. Congratulations!
YEAR 3/4M - Sienna B for her unwavering dedication, kindness, and respect, always uplifting others and demonstrating excellence throughout the year.
YEAR 5/6K - Emily C for showing courage to take on different tasks and putting in the effort to achieve them. Well done on a great year, Emily!
YEAR 5/6K - Jordan A for achieving so much in your time at St. Mark's. For pushing yourself, trying when you are unsure, aiming high and not letting anything stop you. Well done, Jordan.
YEAR 5/6MV - Nikko C for always celebrating everyone in our class. Nikko you are such a kind and caring soul who celebrates everyone's successes in class. We love how you hype us all up.
YEAR 5/6MV - Makayla A for celebrating and supporting her MV peers during the leadership announcement last week. We love your support of everyone in MV.
YEAR 5/6R - Zoe Gillon for continually striving for accuracy in all that she does. Well done on a fantastic year.
YEAR 5/6R - Beau B for committing himself to his learning, independently completing tasks and routines. Well done on a successful year Beau!!
YEAR 5/6P - Jensen B for demonstrating an excellent attitude towards his learning. Keep it up Jensen!
YEAR 5/6P - Dominic H for demonstrating an excellent attitude towards his learning. Keep it up Dominic!