School Captain News
School Captain News
What's Happening Week 10 Term 4
What's Happening Week 11 Term 4
Yard Slip Winners
Congratulations to Alexis from PA and Tanya from 1C for being the Yard Slip winners for last week!
Congratulations to Stefano from 2B and Matthew from 2B for being the Yard Slip winners for this week!
Behaviour Bucks
This was the last week for Behaviour Bucks Winners.
Winners in Week 8 were
Juniors: Prep B with 40 points
Seniors: 4A and 6D with 38 points
Congratulations to all classes who won Behaviour Bucks over the year.
A short newsletter from us this week!
Stay Tuned for our last newsletter piece for the year in Week 11.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Your School Captains!