Little Learners Group
Kindergarten Transition
Little Learners Group
Kindergarten Transition
Playdough shapes has been popular during Transition. At this rotation, students make 2D shapes using playdough and press pieces of playdough on the items that are that shape.
Phonics threading: we looked at the letter sounds for 's' and 'g' then found and threaded these letters on pipe cleaners. A fun way to revise letter sounds while giving our fine motor muscles a good work out!
Literacy: Kindergarten Transition have been getting prepped for literacy sessions next year by completing similar activities to what they would next year. We are so proud of the efforts they are showing during this time.
Craft: The children have enjoyed making many crafts related to books they listen to and letter sounds they explore. They loved making snails and spiders recently.
Maths: We have been doing lots of number learning including number writing, subitising and games like 'roll and cover'.
Friend potion and play: We spoke about what qualities make a good friend. Students shared one quality each to be written on a post-it and popped it in a pot to make a 'friend potion' before the 'potion' confetti was sprinkled on them to share this friendship mix around. Lots of fun and smiles for this activity! The children are also enjoying opportunities to play and build friendships through activities like dressups.