Principal's News

Dear families,
Welcome to week 6. We are busy preparing reports, planning for end of year events and preparing for 2025. At this moment in time, we will remain with a three class model and continue to offer additional support where and when it is required.
Last Wednesday, Miss Jeffs took her dedicated team to the Lego League competition over at Griffith. They competed against both primary and secondary students in several areas including robot wars, the presentation of an innovative solution to an environmental problem and the design of a Lego robot. Blake, Blayne, Riley, Flynn and Hudson proudly represented the school, and I know that everyone is proud of the dedication they showed for the day and the many hours spent preparing for this event. Several other students helped them along the way, and I want to recognise their efforts as well.
Grace and I went to the event as part of the volunteer team. I was part of a team who quizzed schools and judged them on their innovation project and robot design. Grace was support for schools on the main floor where the action took place. Being our first time, this allowed us to gain a greater insight into the day and we know that the students are keen to head back in 2025 and build on their skills. We want to congratulate Wamoon and Leeton HS for their efforts and wish them the best as they head to Sydney to compete there.
Putting Practice into Action
Last week we completed a practice lock down and evacuation as a school. Students were brilliant in how they listened to and responded to requests of where they had to go and what action they needed to take. This week, we had an event near the school and it was brilliant to see how sensibly every member of the school community acted and I want to restate my thanks for the trust you all put into us. The day remained calm and no learning was impacted.
Time For Giving
For the third year in a row, we would like to gift items to Wagga Wagga Base Hospital - Children’s Ward for the Christmas period. If you would like to gift items for children over this period, please send them into school and we will deliver them directly to the ward. Gift can be sent wrapped or unwrapped. If they come wrapped, can you please write the gender and age range on a small card to allow for ease of delivery.
If your family is planning to move away from the local area and therefore a new school setting, please let us know and we will help make the transition as smooth as we can. If you know of any families who are moving into the area, reach out and let them know they can make a time to visit us and learn more about our great school.
I wish the students in year 6 the best over the coming weeks as they visit and orient themselves with their future school.
The P and C have been tireless in their support of the school. Last weekend saw them give up their time again for the betterment of our school community. They are currently asking for donations for the end of year raffle. Thank you to those families and organisations that have already reached out with their kind donations. Don’t forget that everyone is welcome to attend meetings, and I know they would love to have more members of the team.
Thank you
Mrs Taylor