Parent Updates

End of Term Office Hours
Please be advised of the following changes to our school office hours:
Monday 9 December | Reduced office coverage between 12:30 and 2:30pm
Friday 13 December | Reduced office coverage between 9:00am and 1:00pm
Friday 20 December | The office will close at 2:30pm
The office will reopen on Tuesday 28 January
Immunisations 2025
A - Z School Information
Suzanne Cory High School is committed to making information easy to access.
To assist families locate and access a range of important information we have created an A – Z of school information which can be located through the School Documents tab within Compass.
Here families and students can access up to date information on a wide range of topics.
What information can be found here??
Alumni | Forms | School Values |
Assessment | Illness/Sickbay & Medical Conditions | Student Activities |
Attendance | Instrumental Music | Sub-School Structure |
Bell Times | IT Services | Subject Handbooks |
Booklists | Library Services | Timelines |
Careers | Newsletter | Uniform |
Communications to Families | Payments | Wellbeing |
Contacts | Policies | |
Dates | School Program & School Song |
How to access this information:
Parents are reminded to ensure they are reguarly checking Compass for updates, events and news. Parents can also add attendance notes and see what their child has coming up in their weekly schedule.
Please ensure attendance note are added in a timely manner, please remember to include a written explanation when adding attendance.
Updated School Uniform Guidelines
At Suzanne Cory, we pride ourselves on the high standards of our students. Students wearing our uniform are a reflection of our school and our values of respect, aspiration and contribution.
Therefore it is imperative that students wear the uniform correctly. Below is a guide to the uniform requirements.
Please ensure to take note of the changes to the wearing of sports uniform.
The full uniform policy can be found on Compass in the A - Z or by clicking the below link:
Medical Updates
New medical plans are required to be submitted by Tuesday 28th January. These can be emailed through to the school