Grade 3/4 News

Week 6, Term 4


  • Swimming Program: Week 8 (25th - 29th Nov.)
  • Homework - Week 7: Reading Diary (additional: Think Mentals - Unit 17) 
  • Homework - Week 8: Reading Diary (additional: Big Talk Homework)
  • Home Reading Diaries must be checked each night and come to school Friday with a parent signature. Students will need to read a minimum of 20 minutes for 4 nights each week.

Be Awesome Day

We want to say a MASSIVE thankyou to each of you for your donations to our stalls as well as your willingness to help out during the day. We had an amazing time and it would not have been possible without your support. 


A big thankyou to Mrs Schulz for all of her hard work in organising Be Awesome Day and also to Em Clohesy and our Parent Club for planning the School Colour Run!

Swimming Program

The Grade 3/4 swimming program will be running from 25th-29th November. Please send the following items with your child's name labelledto avoid items becoming lost:

  • Thongs/Slides (to wear on the way to the pool and back - NOT to be worn to school)
  • Towel
  • Bathers (worn to school under uniform)
  • Goggles (if required)
  • A separate bag to carry items to and from the pool
  • Underwear 

Learning in Weeks 7 & 8 

Mathematics: This fortnight we will focus on a variety of 'Measurement and Geometry' topics including Time and Coordinates/Mapping. Students will also complete a number of 'My Numeracy' activities during Week 8.


Writing & Reading: Students will be reading about each of Australia's states and territories and using this information to create a poster about their group's chosen state/territory. Some of the information that they will research includes the following: population, land size, state flag, floral emblem, animal emblem, capital city, natural features, manmade features and coat of arms. 


Topic: This fortnight we will further extend our Reading and Writing sessions by researching key information about Australia's states and territories.