Principal's Column
A message from Mr. Gatt, Miss. Slaymaker & Mrs. Richardson
Principal's Column
A message from Mr. Gatt, Miss. Slaymaker & Mrs. Richardson
It is hard to believe we have crossed the mid point of Term 4! We have many events happening over the next few weeks from special lunches, casual clothes day, P-2 Kaboom Incursion and a whole school Italian Fiesta, just to name a few! So please ensure you check Compass and Class Dojo regularly!
Visit from our Regional and Area Executive Directors
Yesterday we were fortunate to have our Regional Director, Chris Thompson and our Area Executive Director, Silvana Sena, visit our school. They took part in a tour of our school to see and hear about all the wonderful work we have been doing in both the areas of Learning and Wellbeing over the last few years. Both Chris and Silvana left our school with a greater understanding of what our journey has looked like and how we work as a community to meet the needs of our students.
Remembrance Day
On Monday, November 11, we held a school-wide student led ceremony to honour Remembrance Day. Students participated in age-appropriate activities to reflect on peace, remembrance, and respect for those who served.
2025 School Structure
Next year our school enrolment will be quite similar to this year. Therefore, we are planning to have 23 classes across the school, with the following class structure in place:
Year level | Number of classes |
Year Prep & Year 6 | 4 classes in each year level |
Year 1 to Year 5 | 3 classes in each year level |
Are you leaving us next year?
As much as we don’t want to see any of our families leave us, we understand that some of our families may be moving on to other schools in 2025. Therefore, if your child will be leaving us at the end of this year, can you please notify the office either by phoning Reception (9749 8233) or emailing ( ASAP as this significantly impacts our decisions around staffing and class sizes for next year.
Curriculum Day Reminder
This term we have our final Curriculum Day for 2024, which is scheduled for Wednesday 27th November. There is NO SCHOOL for students on this day.
Year 6 2025 Reminders
A reminder to all of our current Year 5 families that we have already commenced the organisation of Year 6 Camp and opened the ordering for Year 6 Jumpers and/ Polos.
2025 Voluntary Parent Payment
School Council has confirmed that the voluntary parent contributions for 2025 is $195. This parent payment is for items and activities that students use or participate in, to access the curriculum and for non curriculum items and activities used by your child at school. Information was sent home to families about two weeks ago.