Success Stories

Student Awards Weeks 7 and 8
Foundation: Aadi B, Saki J, Agnes Z, Matilda H, Aras G, Danny Z
Level 1: Billy M, Luca L, Milllie O'K
Level 2: Mason Z, Cruz H, Martin G, Allie W
Level 3: Aisha S, Leena M, Elizabeth J, Xavier S
Level 4: Nate R
Level 5: Ishan A, Trinity Y, Rhys H, Tiffany T, Leah L
Level 6: Claire G, Mingru L, Winston Z, Jack B, Hayden S
Olivia S (2S) is competeing next week in the National Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation Competition.
This is her 2nd session competing and Olivia has been loving every minute of it.
Cheerleading combines Tumbling, dance and stunting. The team work and comradery is one aspect Liv loves most.
Olivia also got to compete in the state championships last month is POM.
We wish Olivia every success in the National Australian All Star Competition. Go Liv!