
First Sunday of Advent
Lord Jesus Christ,
we await your Second Coming
as we prepare to celebrate your First
coming at Christmas.
Be near us now as we light the first candle
of our Advent wreath.
As this light grows brighter,
we are reminded that you are
already here,
in your Word, in your Church,
in the faces of those in need,
and our love for each other.
You live and reign with the Father
and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
Jesse Tree
Have you ever seen a family tree? It is not like a tree in your garden. It’s more like a picture. It shows how all the relatives in your family fit together, stretching back to your grandparents and their grandparents and sometimes even further. The further back it goes, the bigger the tree.
The Jesse tree is about the family tree of Jesus. You may know all about the baby Jesus in the manger, but what about the other people in his family tree? Each week during Advent we will learn more about some of the people in Jesus’ family tree. This week we heard about Jesse, the father of King David at our Advent Liturgy and how Jesse is the root of Jesus’ family tree. In our classes this week have also learnt about Noah and Joseph and his technicolour coat.
Each week we will continue our Catholic Tradition of adding more of the Jesse Tree symbols to our Jesse trees in our classrooms.