What's Happening

Christmas Carols at Bolton Clarke Aged Care
Last week the choir students visited some lovely residents at Bolton Clarke Aged Care (formally Calare Nursing Home) to sing Christmas carols and play musical instruments. There was much excitement playing bells and triangles and singing along to favourite songs. The students introduced themselves and enjoyed chatting to some of the residents before leaving.
Thank you to Mrs Jen Cooke and Mrs Leesa Baker for accompanying the students during this memorable experience.
Julie Hudson
Deputy Principal
Orange Ex-Services Club Christmas Party
Every year the dedicated staff from the Orange Ex-Services Club hosts a Christmas Party for our school. On Wednesday 4th December the volunteers arrived, keen to cook up a feast and say hello to everyone. Students and staff were treated to either a sausage on a roll or a hot dog, a cold drink and an ice cream. After lunch, Santa arrived in a fire engine and was greeted enthusiastically by students. Each student received a book present from Santa. The OESC generously provided for the whole event and we are thankful for their support. Students farewelled Santa on his way back to his elves.
Thank you to all of the volunteers and OESC employees who have spoilt us now for over 40 years. We are all so incredibly grateful.
Students Leaders 2025
Congratulations to our newly elected student leaders for 2025.