
Shelby Turner and Josy Reeder

Positive Behaviour Support

What is Positive Behaviour Support?


Proactive strategies that are aimed at decreasing behaviours of concern and replacing them with pro-social skills that lead to enhanced social competencies.


The OLA staff use strategies to support students with a positive approach.  We work towards creating a climate where positive behaviour is explicitly taught and reinforced and prevention approaches are emphasised.  


Acknowledgement: explicit statements reinforcing expectations

“It’s great to see that…”

“I like the way you…”

“Well done for…”

“Thanks for showing...”


Correction: explicit corrective feedback regarding expectations

“X, you need to… or….”

“You have two choices, either you….or…”

“X, you just… so now….”

“You just did …there’s a consequence for that”

Online Safety

It is important to support our children to be safe online; this website called eSafety kids is a great way for children to be an eSafety Kid.  



There is also a website for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online called eSafety for Parents. There are webinars to attend and skills and advice. 


We encourage you to start and finish each day with a simple check in. These check ins can be a regular part of each day.