Principal's News

Dear Parents & Carers,

  I hope families were able to enjoy some time together and away from the routines of work and school over the Labour Day Weekend. The weather certainly had an impact on our plans and activities though didn’t it, that bit of gardening might keep till next weekend. By the sound of it lots of our families made a beeline for the beaches looking for relief from the heat.

This shortened week is the first of only three before the first term holidays begin on Good Friday on March 29th, so there is a bit to get done before then!

Today for instance the N.A.P.L.A.N. tests begin for our Grade 3 and 5 students. This testing “window” doesn’t close until March 25th to allow as many children as possible to complete the testing.


RECONCILIATION There will be two ceremonies this afternoon (4:00pm)  and this evening (6:00pm) for those children in Grades 2 and 5 who have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. These two time slots will be available again on Thursday this week.

Fr Michael has also offered families the opportunity to attend on Saturday morning from 10:00am in order that the children make their Reconciliation.


SOCIAL MEDIA AND KIDS Parents are reminded that children are not permitted to hold accounts with companies such as Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook etc until they are at least 13 years old. This is for the very good reason that they are not yet old enough to use these platforms wisely. Children of this age are extremely vulnerable and susceptible to being fooled by older people who may not have their best interests at heart. 

We are putting our kids at risk when we give in to them and ignore this kind of advice.

Our school’s I.C.T. Policy has been written after obtaining the best advice we could find. It is available on our website or can be found via this link S.H. I.C.T. Policy 


SCHOOL PHOTOS  Will take place Friday 22nd March. Please refer to page 6 for all the details.


Jack Lenaghan - Principal