Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Isla K

For always showing courage when attempting new learning (Rick D3) 

Isaiah B

For being a kind and respectful friend (Holly D4)

Blake P

For showing courage when outside at recess and lunch play! (Miss Hannah D5)

Thomand S

For remaining focused and on task during literacy. Well done! (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M1)

Angie Y

For showing kindness by encouraging others (Mrs Brown M2)

Sophie R

For always following our class expectations. Fabulous effort 🙂 (Claire M3)

Matthew R

For working hard at sounding out his words when reading (Miss Muller M4)

Amelia B

For working hard to improve her pencil grip during writing time. Keep it up! (Jaymie M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Bella T

For her amazing work during guided reading. Well done, Bella! (Lauren B1)

Summer M 

For her impressive Maths guessing abilities (Troy B3)

Isabelle C

For doing a wonderful job at completing your double entry journal responses (Jessica B5)

Ollie M

For always having a go during every learning activity (Mr C S1)

Brock B

For putting together some great ideas when planning his narrative writing (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Oscar R

For his focus and determination during Maths. Well done, Oscar! (Rebecca S3)

Tom S

For a great start to a new school year (Matt S4)



Oliver D S1

For being a fantastic role model in P.E. for his younger peers (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)

Layla P S4

For being an excellent mentor for the younger students in P.E. (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)

Madden L S4

For being a wonderful helper for the Foundation to Year 2 students (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)

Mason S S1

For his amazing leadership skills when supporting Year 1/2 P.E. today (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)


Last Weeks Star & Achievers