Specialist - PE


We are so very excited to be well on our way in our preparation for our Sports Day at Llanberris on the last day of this term. Yesterday notes were distributed to all families with the details regarding our Ball Sports event on Wednesday 27th March and our Athletics Day on Thursday 28th March.


All students in K-6 have been concentrating on their technique for the specific events on these days. Students in 3-6 have been practising shot put, discus, sprints and the long distance event while the F-2 students have been working on sprinting and their overarm throw.


This week in PE class, students in F-6 will be taking part in the high jump event where points for this event in Years 3-6 will go towards their houses for Athletics Day.


This Friday, all students in F-6 will meet on the tennis courts with their House Captains and fellow house mates. This will be a chance for students to eat lunch together in their houses and also meet the different staff members allocated to each house.



Next Thursday, 29 February at 9:00am, all students from 3-6 will assemble on the oval in their houses and age groups to complete sprint trials. These trials are designed to allocate students to heats and the relay events for Athletics Day.


Well done to EVERYONE in Year F-6 for your amazing work in our PE classes this term. Keep up the great work and please return your Athletics Day notes ASAP!