Out and about with Mr Walsh
Building Upgrade
We were extremely excited to announce at our final 2023 school council meeting and announce at assembly that we will see the arrival of 2 new buildings in term 2 with the addition of a Science and Technology centre. This is part of the Victorian School and Building Authority relocatable building program and will support and enhance our school specialist program. We want to thank our school community and school council for their work in communicating our school needs and working towards supporting our growth. As a school community we have grown by 25% over the last 5 years which is one of the largest growing schools in the Barwon region. It is important that we continue to advocate for much needed infrastructure to support this growth. During this building program in term 2 it will impact on some of our current spaces for a short period of time but we will communicate with students and families when planning is complete.
School Photos
A big thank you to our students and staff for their great work throughout Monday and Tuesday to support our school photos. The students were amazing with their patience and flexibility over the 2 days and it was great to see the LOVE in the room during the sibling photos. Please remember you can order your photos online.
Early Arrivals
We have had a number of students arriving too early to school either via bike or being dropped off. It is lovely that our students are eager to start the school day but the school grounds are not open or supervised to start the school day until 8.30am. If you require your child to be at school earlier than this time you will need to use the Camp Australia before school care program.
Out and About
There has been plenty going on in and out of the classrooms over the past few weeks and it has been fantastic to see some cross year level collaboration and the celebration of special events and days. Here is a snapshot:
Valentines Day - Our year 5's and 2's collaborated on Valentines Day to spread the message of LOVE!
A love of reading, a love of learning and a love of our school community!
The school band and academy have been preparing and we look forward to seeing them at assembly throughout the year.
Clean up Austrlaia Day was in full swing with our year 5 & 6's actively cleaning around the school and local area - thanks guys!
Jack has settled back into school routines slowly with the hot days and has enjoyed his daily interactions with kids in classes and out in the yard as well as his daily naps
The students in J3 celebrated the 29th of February (LEAP DAY) with some leaping art!
The Friday Swifties Club has seen about 100 of our students meet together on a Friday afternoon to participate in a range of activities coordinated by a group of our year 6 students. Friday is definitely a good day to Shake It Off!!
Parent/Carer/Teacher Meetings and Student Support Group Meetings
Bookings for our Parent/Carer/Teacher meetings have now closed and we look forward to meeting with families over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon/evening next week. Thank you to those who have filled out our 'getting to know your child' survey. It is a wonderful opportunity to discuss some early learning goals and continuing to build positive relationships with school and home. We want to thank our students for their positive start and settling well into school routines as we reach the half way mark of term Please regularly visit the following pages in our newsletter that highlights further what is happening in and out of the classroom:
- What's Happening in our Classrooms - overview of what is happening over the next 2 weeks in the classroom at each year level
- Teaching & Learning Page - Providing fortnigthly snapshots of our teaching and learning program to get an insight into the classroom
- Mental Health & Wellbeing Page - Check this page for support, strategies, focus areas and community events to support the mental health and wellbeing of our school community
Naplan 2024 Information for Parents and Carers
Year 3-6 Surfside Cross Country Event
Call for family helpers
We will be holding our annual Cross Country event for students in grades 3–6 at Kingston Park on Wednesday, March 27th. The event will commence at 9.15am and conclude by 1.00pm. Race times are as follows;
- Year 5 & 6 event is between 9:15 - 10:45
- Year 3 & 4 event is between 11:30 - 1:00
To ensure the smooth running and safety of children we will require the assistance of parents or carers. If you are available and willing to help, please answer the questions and complete the details below.
All volunteers must have a current Working With Children's Card that has been presented to our office and completed the 5 minute annual Induction, before the day of the event.
Thanks so much in advance for your support with this event,
Mr. Fraser