Career & Pathways
Senior School
Career & Pathways
Senior School
Wednesday 20 March
This term, all Year 9 students will be taking part in the My Career Insights program. This is a Department of Education initiative that will see all Year 9 students across Victoria participate in the program which is designed to help students discover, develop and drive their career planning. It's a unique opportunity for you to learn more about your strengths and abilities, while exploring potential career options – giving you the confidence to start taking control of your future.
On Wed 20 March, all Year 9s will be required to complete their Morrisby profiling after attending an information session in the Senior Centre (at a time adjacent to their Mock Interview). The Morrisby profile is a series of short assessments and questionnaires that measures your strengths in various areas, as well as assessing your interests, talents, motivations, personality and work preferences.
Following the profile completion, all students will be provided with a detailed Morrisby report and access to an online, interactive portal. Students are provided access to this for life. Late in Term 2, all students will also participate in a 30-minute one-on-one interview with a professional careers practitioner, to discuss the results and findings of their profile. More information will be provided on this later.
In order to participate in this program, we require consent from parents which needs to be submitted by Wed 13 March. This form will become available on Compass in coming days, so it would be much appreciated if parents could get this completed as soon as possible.
Please read through the information in the Event carefully, as there are now 3 options of consent for student participation in the Morrisby profiling:
1. Opt-in - full profile completion and interview with a practitioner. This is the default once consent is provided.
2. No response - access to Morrisby Careers, which only involves aspirations and personality testing. Students will still participate in an interview with a practitioner.
3. Opt-out - students will not participate in the program at all. You are required to decline the Compass event if you do not wish your child to participate.
Students are expected to complete the profiling at home throughout the day after their Mock Interview. If parents wish for their child to complete the profiling at school during periods 1 & 2 on this day, there is a separate opt-in event on Compass.
Students will be provided with more information and preparation for the Morrisby profiling during Explore. If you require any more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Jessie Dennison.
Wednesday 20March
Students are using their Explore classes this term to prepare for their Mock Interviews. They are creating a resume, cover letter and developing their interview skills to allow them to apply for one the of the Mock Job Ads provided to them.
Students will be required to attend a ‘Mock’ interview with their Explore Teacher and an industry professional. This will allow them to gain a valuable experience and feedback on their resume, cover letter and interview skills to assist them in applying for future jobs.
To book an interview students need to log on to Compass and use the Conference function to book a timeslot with their Explore Teacher by Wed 13 March. If students do not make a booking by this date they will be allocated a time.Additional Information:
Parent Volunteers - Mock Interviews
We are looking for parent/carers or other community members who may have some experience within business to volunteer to be interviewers at our upcoming Mock Interviews on Wed 20 March.
This is an important day that is historically very beneficial to our students. Volunteers will work as part of a team of two with a staff member and/or member of the local community. Interview questions, student feedback forms, morning tea and lunch will be provided. Please contact us if you are able to assist.
Items in the 1st March Career News include:
Items in the 8th March Career News include:
Jessie Dennison
Tim Knowles
Career Practitioners