Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Lucy Dobson | For consistently being a role model and trying her best | Wren Howden-Tremayne |
PB | Noah Turner | For demonstrating resilience in numeracy by having a go and doing his best | Hazel Leebody |
PC | Annie Roffey | For challenging herself in writing | Isla Neil |
1/2A | Clay Bennett | For his excellent effort and attitude in Maths and demonstrating great problem solving skills | Karim Alfarra |
1B | Harrison Arnup | For trying his best in all learning tasks this week and not giving up | Safia Ozveren |
1C | Billy Ross | For demonstrating resilience and walking away from provocation in the school yard | Harlow Smith |
2B | Mackenzie Elliot | For her constant positive attitude towards all learning tasks and willingness to assist others to achieve their goals | Lincoln Otteraa |
2C | Alice Fitzpatrick | For her positive attitude towards learning and demonstrating great skills in telling the time | Archie Ennis |
3B | William Ogle | For working hard on all tasks and trying his best | Mackenzie Fry |
3C | Euan Palser | For showing kindness when working with his peers in all areas of his school day | Jack Clarke |
3D | Ethan Pitts | For showing initiative in all learning tasks and completing them to his full potential | Harper Perryman |
3/4A | Zoe Miles | For making thoughtful contributions to class discussions | Katie Bakes |
4B | Anhad Kandohla | For challenging himself and working hard at every task | James Watton |
4C | Charlie Dobson | For demonstrating a consistent and hard working approach towards all learning tasks | Amelia Norwood |
5/6A | Henry Thomson | For outstanding effort with his persuasive writing piece | Isabelle Hoctor |
5B | Bella Bereshnyj | For persisting at all tasks and trying her best | Axel Fitzpatrick |
5C | Toby Bussinger | For persisting with his persuasive writing task | Alyssa Clarke |
6B | Romy Eagles | For demonstrating high quality work across all subjects areas with fantastic attention to detail | William Van Emmerik |
6C | Coen Rose | For working independently and diligently on his Geometric City project in Mathematics | Braeden Woods |
6D | Ava Halloran | For taking on taught content and creating high quality work within all subject areas | Dylan Snow |