Ice Cream Day - Thank you for your support!
The PCA would like to say a huge thank you to the staff, students parents and carers at Kismet Park for your support and co-operation on the day for the 2024 Ice cream Day. From all accounts the kids loved it and everything went off without a hitch.
We would like to especially thank those parents and carers who gave up their time and were able to help out on the day.
Thank you so much to the following: Briony Van Berlo, Larissa Otteraa, Chelsea Giannino, Fiona Cordon, Rebecca Clarke, Liz Newton and Katherine Thorn.
We would also like to thank those of you behind the scenes to get the day up and running. Thank you to: Scott, Nadya, Kylie, Felicity, Louise, Davina, Brooke, Deb, Simone, and Lorna
Upcoming events for Term 1, 2024
- Casual clothes day- the date for our casual clothes day is Friday 8th March. On this day the PCA will be requesting a grocery donation be made to assist with our Grocery Raffle. More information around the types of donations required and the grocery raffle, will come out closer to the day.
- Tesselaar bulb fundraiser: later this term we will be undertaking our first Tesselaar bulb fundraiser. So start thinking about what flowers you might like to plant making your garden come alive…
Next PCA meeting:
Our Next PCA meeting: Tuesday March 12th at the Ballcourt Sunbury 7pm.
REMEMBER if you’d like to be part of this amazing group of people contact us on kismetparkpca@gmail.com or head to the front office and let us know. Remember you do not have to be a full time member but volunteers for any event is muchly appreciated.