Catholic Identity

2024 Synod Consultation
As the Church prepares for the Second Session of the Synodal Assembly in
October 2024, our Northeastern deanery has been invited to contribute by deepening
aspects of the Synthesis Report that are fundamental to the Synod’s theme.
These contributions are guided by the question:
How can we be a synodal
Church in mission?
Please join us on Sunday, 10 March, 2024 at 7:00 pm via Zoom to participate in this
process and help to shape the communications provided to the Second Session of Synod in October. The synthesis report is available at the link below, we will
focus on Chapters 8-12, 16 and 18 during this session. If you intend to
participate please read these chapters prior to the Zoom call.
Synthesis Report: 2023.10.28-ENG-Synthesis
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 864 5873
Passcode: 045506