Stories From the Classroom

Mrs Kaysie Stephens- Year 5/6 Co-Classroom Teacher
Hello families!
There have been so many exciting events and incursions happening in our 5/6 classroom since our last newsletter!
Year 6 have received their t-shirts that they can wear to school to promote their leadership within the school and to leave them with a special momento to remind them of their time at Sacred Heart when they transition to High School.
On Friday 1st of March year 5/6 were extremely grateful to Aunty Velda of the Wiradjuri tribe and Glennys Briggs who came to Sacred Heart to deliver an Indigenous art workshop. They set up a display filled with amazing pieces of art and items such as kangaroo skins and possum skins, that would have been used for clothing in a traditional setting. The students were engrossed in all of the stories and information that was shared! After this, we participated in creating art works using stencils and weaving crafts using a technique called ‘Warping the loom’. Students then used the gum nuts, leaves, feathers and rocks that they had foraged from home to connect to their masterpieces!
After our art workshop, we were visited by Michael Bishop from the Yorta Yorta tribe who came to talk to the students about coming FIRE Carriers. The aim of the FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carrier Project is to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people. To be a FIRE Carrier is to exercise an important leadership role in the school community. FIRE carriers are students and teachers that share a passion for learning about Aboriginal culture and history and are committed to sharing this knowledge and promoting reconciliation within and beyond the school community. Many of our students are excited about this project and wish to become Fire Carriers. This process will require students to write a pledge as to why they want to become a Fire Carrier and how they plan to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people within our Sacred Heart and Corryong communities. Students will then be presented with Fire Carrier badges and a ceremony to mark the beginning of their Fire Carrier journey. More information about this to come.
Mr Matt Barlee - Year 2/3/4 Classroom Teacher
The Year 2/3/4 class have been lucky enough to get skateboard lessons from Al's Skate Co. on Tuesday afternoons in their Sport period.
Al's Skate Co is a family run business, who are passionate about providing a safe and fun environment for skateboarders of all ages to learn and challenge their own abilities.
Sacred Heart are very grateful they have given us this opportunity to try this new activity in our very own school.
On the 19th March Al's Skate Co is going to take the students down to the Corryong skate park to teach them about skatepark safety and to also work on their newfound skateboarding abilities.
We were able to get some photos of them showing off some of their new tricks!
Miss Amy Whitehead - Foundation/Year 1 Classroom Teacher
It's been an exciting time in our Foundation and Year 1 class this term. Foundation students have now settled beautifully into school at Sacred Heart, we have learnt about the expectations and routines at school. While the Year 1 students have continued to be great role models in the classroom. We have also been diving into a multitude of learning experiences that have been educational, enriching and fun!
Literacy: In our exploration of language foundation students have been learning about rhyme, clapping out the syllables in words and are now working towards learning our initial sounds. This week we introduced the sound /m/ and students will continue to learn sounds throughout the year. In year 1 we have been working towards learning more digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and using this sound knowledge when reading and writing a range of words.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Understanding and managing emotions is a crucial aspect of a child's development. Over the past few weeks, we've been nurturing emotional intelligence in our students. Through various activities, stories, and discussions, students were given opportunities to identify emotions in themselves and their peers. We had discussions about when we may feel these varied emotions and how to cope with these emotions in a range of situations.
Mathematics: Counting is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of mathematical understanding. In the classroom, we've been embarking on counting adventures, from counting objects, to reading and writing numbers as well as ordering numbers. Through hands-on activities, games, and songs, the F/1 students have been developing their counting skills with enthusiasm and determination. Here are some photos to show the great work that we have been doing!