School News

Payment of School Fees and Levies
2024 Fees and Levies have been generated and statements have been emailed to the Family Debtors aswell as hardcopies sent home.
At Sacred Heart School we are aware that families have a range of financial needs. The method of payments available are either Direct Debit or Direct Deposit.
Many families find that regular payments are the simplest way to manage school fees in small achievable amounts. To ensure your fees are paid in full by the end of Term Four we strongly encourage direct debit payments. Should you wish to proceed with direct debit, please complete the enclosed Direct Debit Request Form and return to Kasie Jarvis at the school office. If paying by Direct Deposit, please ensure you include your name in the transfer details so that we can match your payment with your invoice (bank details are provided on your fee statement).
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please complete the Financial Assistance form and return to Justine, where an appointment will be arranged to discuss further. We understand that at any given time, our Sacred Heart families may experience financial hardship and we are able to give support if the required information is provided.
If your circumstances have changed and you now hold a current Health Care Card, please get in touch with Kasie.
A Direct debit request form is attached here or by request by emailing
2024 School Fees and Levies
Principal & Teacher Contact
It is respectfully requested that should any non-urgent communication need be made to staff that this is done between the hours of 8:30am - 5pm, by either email or phone.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Student Contact
Whilst we understand there may be a need to speak with your child/ren during the school day, please note any non urgent messages will be passed on during their break times.
We also ask that should your pickup arrangements change throughout the day that the office is notified in advance or as soon as practicable.
This saves any unnecessary distraction to their peers and can prepare staff for your child's departure appropriately.
Thanks for your cooperation.
School Drop Off
School Office Contact
Parent/carers are respectfully requested to continuing using for non-urgent contact. Please be patient if a reply has not been received immediately.
Teacher Emails
Justine Goonan:
Foundation/ Year 1 Class
Miss Amy Whitehead:
Year 2/3/4 Class
Mr Matt Barlee:
Year 5/6 Class
Ms. Celeste Oliver: (Mon, Tue, Wed)
Mrs Kaysie Stephens: (Thurs & Friday)
Miss Amy Lockwood: (Tues, Wed, Thur)
Mrs Marie Nagy:
Mental Health in Schools (MHiPS)
Mr Joe Quinn:
Please ensure that communication regarding the classroom or your child’s learning is sent directly to the teacher.
End of Day Bus/Pick Up Arrangements
If there is a change to your child/ren's pickup arrangements, please ensure you email or phone the school office on 60761138 by 1pm or as soon as practicable to confirm this arrangement.
Student Absence
A friendly reminder, it is a parent/career’s responsibility to notify the school if your child/ren is going to be absent from school. This can be done by either;
- Email-
- Phone- 02 60761138
- Using your PAM account
At Sacred Heart School, we have a duty of care to know where our students are during the school day so in the event that a child/ren has been marked absent on the roll and no confirmation email or phone call has been received by the Parent/Carer, in line with the School Attendance Policy a follow up phone call will be made to the Parents/Carers ensure your child/ren will be away.
If we are unable to reach the parent/carers the following process will take place;
10:00 am - emergency contacts will be phoned
If we are unable to reach the emergency contacts,
10:30 am - for safety and duty of care reasons, the police will be called.
We appreciate your co-operation and understanding on this process.