Cocurricular News

Recently our Year Nine students returned from camp having experienced so many new things, for some it was their first time on a mountain bike, caving or abseiling. Students worked together to cook dinner (some groups were more successful at this than others), overcame challenges and finished the week tired but full of new experiences. I have no doubt that whilst students were challenged, there has been some amazing growth opportunities for students. Please see some images from our recent Year Nine Expedition.

Shortly, our Year Ten and Year Eight students will have their camp. Our Year Ten Voyages (Leeuwin or Blackwood River) provide a unique break from the classroom for friendships to be formed or refreshed, and some authentic teamwork challenges to be overcome. How lucky our students are to sail out of King George Sound on board such an amazing vessel! In contrast,  our other Year Ten students will be paddling down the Blackwood River, changing campsite each evening as they move towards Molloy Island.


Our Year Eight Students will explore our school values of Integrity, Respect, Commitment and Compassion as they undertake a local three-day camp where these values will be lived out through Service, Teamwork and Challenge activities. Students will sail onboard keel boats on Princess Royal Harbour, volunteer their time at some local Aged Care Facilities and tackle a section of the Bibbulmun Track. We are fortunate to have partnerships with Princess Royal Sailing Club, Gwen Hardie and Annie Bryson McKewan Aged care homes and our boarding community are active members of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation. We look forward to seeing the growth in our students.


On top of Camps, we have had students travel to Perth to participate in the da Vinci Decathlon, locally complete their SCUBA Schools International - Open Water SCUBA Certification and register interest to travel to the Perth University Open Days.


I wish to extend my thanks to our dedicated team of staff who continue to make these opportunities possible for our students.


Mr Ian Robson | Head of Cocurricular