From the Principal

It is amazing how quickly the students have settled into the Term and established themselves in their new year levels. I hope that students are getting used to the new bell times and arrangements to the school days. Now that students are starting to feel comfortable, we are about to start organising the extra-curricular activities for them to be involved in that will hopefully give them an additional challenge this year.
This Thursday we will have the Clubs Fair where they will have the chance to find out about groups and activities that are running. We also have our sports teams getting underway so I encourage students both sporty and not so sporty to get involved and participate in a range of competitions.
It was great to see our Year 7s and 8s involved in the Swimming Carnival last week. The new Northcote pool was a great venue to hold the carnival and it was great to see so many students participating. The House teams activities that were run during the Connect program were a great warm up for our students and it was great to see the students participating for their respective Houses.
We also have our Basketball Academy and Volleyball Program running again this year and the groups have had their first few coaching sessions. Our Senior Girls Volleyball teams’ plans for their end of year Queensland trip are already underway, and we look forward to seeing our students competing in these teams throughout the year.
Our Production this year will be the Disney musical ”Newsies” and students will soon be auditioning to take on the lead roles as well as the myriad of other roles available. I am sure all of the singing of Taylor Swift songs will hold them in good stead for the auditions.
This upcoming fortnight we are running 3 welcome events for our families; our Year 7 Parents as Partners evening, the Year 7 Picnic and a Year 12 meet and greet. I do hope that the families of these year levels are able to join us and I look forward to meeting you at the events.
Chris Jones