Student Services : Careers

Here in the Careers Team we have been busy getting our 2024 Careers Programs up and running, and meeting with students to discuss their future pathways. We have supported around 60 Year 10, 11 and 12 students to begin a diverse range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects hosted by nearby TAFE’s and schools. We are also working hard to bring together a high-quality Careers EXPO for our Year 10, 11 and 12 students on Monday 18 March.
Careers Expo coming soon!
We have more than forty exhibitors coming to our second annual NHS Careers EXPO on Monday 18 March.. All Year 10, 11 and 12 students will have the opportunity to engage with Universities, TAFEs and a wide range of industry representatives. Our EXPO provides students a valuable opportunity to learn more about tertiary courses and pathways of interest, explore new career ideas, and learn about opportunities for work experience, student employment and apprenticeships. We will share our list of exhibitors via Teams and this newsletter closer to the time so students can plan which stalls they wish to engage with.
In addition, our Year 10 students will attend three Careers Day Presentations during the morning of the same day. Twelve accomplished and relatable presenters with diverse careers will visit the school to share their career journeys and insights with us. We encourage all Year 10 students to complete our survey via Teams as soon as possible (see ‘Year 10 Careers Day Preferences’ post in your year level team) to identify and share their career interests with us. We will then do our best to match students with presentations that interest them. Full details of sessions students will attend will be available via Compass prior to the event.
Hansen Scholarship University of Melbourne
Applications for the Hansen Scholarship are open now for current Year 12 students. This scholarship program worth $108,000 rewards students who have demonstrated outstanding academic success, a resilience to adversity and a commitment to helping others within their community.
Key benefits include a tailored academic and mentorship program and free accommodation at Little Hall residence for the duration of your degree.Early applications close 3 March, with final applications due by 3 April. For further information, or to register for their online Information Evening 21st February, see: Hansen Scholarship Program (
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 students are beginning to learn about the Work Experience process in their connect sessions. Everything you may need to know (including advice about finding and securing a Work Experience opportunity, a calendar showing the dates students can undertake work experience, student checklists and forms) are available via Teams (Year Level Team > Careers Channel > Files) and Compass (Community > School Documentation > Careers and Pathways > Work Experience). Connect tutors are students’ first port of call for questions about the process and will also dedicate Connect time to support students with Work Experience. While parents often play a key role in supporting students to identify opportunities of interest, we encourage students to reach out to employers themselves, as herein lies a key part of the learning and skill development of the Work Experience program.
Careers Counselling
A reminder that our Careers Counselling service is open to all students, but please book ahead as the service can book out a week or so in advance. You can book counselling appointments with Lou in Term 1, and appointments with Booma from Term 2 onwards using the links provided in Teams (Student Year Level Team > Careers Channel > Link in top menu bar), and Compass (Community > School Documentation > Careers and Pathways > Appointments).
Careers Workshops
Targeted career workshops have been planned for various year levels throughout the year to support our student to hone career navigation skills that are relevant to them now. Our Year 12 students have already completed their first workshop in Goal Setting and Habits, which was a great success. Guest presenter Tyson Day from Arrive and Thrive supported students to identify personal and academic goals and create sustainable habits to meet them. Students explored their phone data to understand how and when various apps distract them and learnt how some smart device hacks to support their goals.