Student Services : Wellbeing

Each newsletter the wellbeing team shares information about upcoming events, resources, and other services. Stay tuned!
It’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through Term 1. Although it feels like the year is just beginning things remain busy at NHS. Read on to learn more about the school breakfast program, our upcoming student clubs fair, and other community resources.
As always, we encourage anyone in the school community to reach out if you are concerned or worried about yourself, a family member, peer or friend. Students can access support by attending the Student Wellbeing Office in Room M11 or by emailing their Student Wellbeing Coordinator.
Head of Student Services | Leanne Petroff | |
Wellbeing Coordinator (Year 7, 8, & 12) | Sabatinie Balasooriya | |
Student Wellbeing Coordinator (Year 9, 10, & 11) | Megan Simmons | |
Mental Health Practitioner (Social Worker) | Jane Harrison | |
Mental Health Practitioner (Social Worker) | Kat Brissett |
Breakfast Club is back in business!
Breakfast Club provides free, nutritious, and delicious food for students who may not have had the time or opportunity to have breakfast before school. We love seeing the social benefits of sharing a meal with peers too - check out the grins below. If you're looking for something to do on these mornings, come down for some food, a hot Milo, or a smoothie to start the day right!
When: 8.30am every Tuesday and Thursday during the school term
Where: Room C6
Who: all students welcome
Clubs Fair next week
Have a passion for craft? A gift for gaming? Are you a chess champion, debating die-hard or a D&D aficionado? Well… there’s an NHS club for that! Clubs give students a chance to meet and share their talents and interests. They ‘re a great way to make new friends and maybe even learn a thing or two. If you don’t see something you like? Talk to your Student Wellbeing Coordinator about starting your own club. The more the merrier!
When: Lunchtime on Monday 26 February
Where: C Block Courtyard
Who: all students welcome
Community Resources
Momentum: 6-week group for teenagers who have experienced family violence
Cost: FREE
Location: Headspace, 78 Main Street, Greensborough
Details: Family violence can have a major impact on a young person’s self-esteem, confidence, relationships, and capacity to participate in activities and school. The Momentum group provides a safe place to explore themes of connection, safety, shared stories and healing.
During each session, we will come together to have afternoon snacks then explore a chosen theme through art and other creative activities. Art materials and snacks provided.
The Bouverie Centre - Walk-in Together: Online family therapy – no waiting list
Cost: FREE
Location: Online (zoom)
Details: Ideal for families who want to be seen immediately on a single family therapy session basis. Runs every Monday and Wednesday (requests taken from 10:00am up to 3:00pm) with the first appointment at 2:30pm and the second at 4:30pm.
- Provided on a first-in, first-served basis during Walk-in Together hours. We do not keep a waiting list for Walk-in Together.
- Approximately 75-90 minutes per telehealth session, using Zoom.
- If, by the end of the session, you and your family want ongoing support, you may, as part of the session, be given information about other relevant services.
- Families are welcome to ‘walk back in’ for another single session in the future.
- The word ‘family’ includes chosen or extended family, kinship groups, and community.
- At least two family members must attend together. As long as it is safe to do so, families are more likely to achieve better outcomes if all affected family members attend.
Cost: FREE
Location: 22 Easey Street, Collingwood
Details: A 4-week program that takes place in-persona at Satellite’s offices in Collingwood. Meet, connect and collaborate with other young people (aged 18 – 25 years) who have a family member with a mental health challenge.