House Connect - The results are in!

Building student connections
Our first ever House Connect was held last Tuesday, and it was a close one!
Students from mixed year groups participated in a range of activities and challenges, seeing what they could achieve as a team in the 30 minute session. This included getting to know you games, a Kahoot and a spelling competition made of students!
Can you figure out the Houses names below?
Students were also tasked to come up with a fun team name or motto for their class. Merri and Plenty took the crown as the most creative house when it came to this activity, some of our favourites included:
Merri 3 – ‘We are one but we are Merri!’
Merri 11 – ‘The Big M’s’
Merri 9 – ‘We are Merri, and bees are hairy, light like a fairy, strong and scary’
Plenty 1 – ‘Plenty 1 is plenty of fun’
Plenty 7 – ‘Stay passionate, stay persistent, stay PLENTY!’
It was only 5 points difference between the house that came first and second....
But we can only have one winner which was PLENTY house on 3515 points!
A close second was Cooper in 3510, then Merri on 3160 and Sumner on 3150.
The points are displayed above on a House Board kindly made by Mr Foote. We will work with students on where we can display this around the school.
We also offered a prize for the class that scored the highest amount of points. The winner was Plenty 2, championed by Ms De Sousa. Congratulations Plenty 2! You will receive an email next week about the catered lunch after the next House Connect.