
- Miss Elly Dixon, Director of Sport


Expressions of Interest are now open to play in the HBA Winter Season.

Any students who would like to play basketball will need to complete the Google Form linked below by Friday 1st March at 5pm.


Where there are enough numbers to make multiple teams in the same age group, try outs will be held to make either an A and B team, or two even teams in the one age division.




Any questions, please email Kira Ryan, Head of Basketball,


Kira Ryan

Head of Basketball


Jono Stewart, Archie Young and Adam Cameron
Jono Stewart, Archie Young and Adam Cameron

After many weeks of intense training, the senior and junior boys took to Lake Wendouree for the much-anticipated Head of School Boys on Saturday. Gold was set in their sights with the first boys' crew coming off a vital win at the JG King regatta just two weeks before. The regatta kicked off with Jono Stewart and Archie Young taking to the course in the early morning for 1km single scull race. While the boys trained hard together, Archie Young took the win with Jono close behind him. Due to delays, they were unable to race in a final and Archie was awarded gold and Jono silver.


The senior boys crew of Harry Dorahy, Hugo Dabernig, Ben Walker, Henry Russell, and cox Jake Alexander were competing in the top level of the regatta: Male School Coxed Quad Scull Open Division 1. Their first race of the day saw them come third by 0.66 of a second and land a spot in the A final. After a tough 2km race, the boys narrowly came 5th by 1.2 secs. This was a huge effort considering the competition on the day and even making the A final is something the boys can be very proud of.


The college had one more competition day, with Adam Cameron and Jono Stewart pairing up to compete in a 2km double scull race. The boys rowed a great race, coming second, and taking home a silver medal.


A huge congratulations to the boys for their achievements over the past couple of weeks; it really shows their commitment to training and competition paying off.

THACC rowers are now in peak training in the lead-up to the Victorian State Rowing Championships, which are being held at Lake Wendouree on March 2-3 this year. The event will have all our crews taking the water.


Isobel Mecham & Annabelle Walker

Rowing Captains

Wednesday 6:30am - Boarding House
Monday, Wednesday after school, Thursday before school
Monday after school
Wednesday 6:30am - Boarding House
Monday, Wednesday after school, Thursday before school
Monday after school