Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Boarder of the week

Each week we acknowledge boarders who are living the values of the College.  Our Boarders of The Week listed below have shown great kindness and support across the community as everyone continues to settle in:

  • Jack Drummond for his enthusiasm, organisation and kindness.
  • Rosie Dunn for her wonderful assistance and sisterhood to our Year 7 boarders.
  • Lachie Brear expressed gratitude for being a boarder at College.

Happy birthday Brian Shi and Max StJohn

We love to celebrate our birthdays in the Boardo. This week we celebrated Brian Shi and our GAPPER, Max. Max turned 19 and still is in shock at the generous welcome he has experienced at College and from our community. As an avid sportsman is involved in local cricket and tennis.

Brian Shi
Max with Speirs House Captain Charlie Mahar
Brian Shi
Max with Speirs House Captain Charlie Mahar

Online community meeting

Each term our boarding community come together online. This is a time for our board families to get to know each other a little more, listen to important updates from key staff, and hear from our Principal.


I look forward to logging on and seeing you on Monday 26 February at 7pm AEST. A link will be sent out to our boarding community in due course.

Run Club

Last week we started our Run Club, and it couldn’t have been a better morning for the season to kick off. The Run Club is open to both day-students and boarders, running at 6:30am on a Wednesday, meeting at the top car park of the Boarding House (North Boundary Road entry).


A big thank you to our leaders, George Austin, Elsie Adams and Bels Little for organising our first run. I’m looking forward to seeing even more participants in the weeks ahead.


 Remember, it is all about giving it a go, and your choice is your challenge.