Learning and Teaching

 - Mrs Anna Robertson

Scholars' Assembly this week provided us all a wonderful opportunity to celebrate scholars of the College, both past and present. Former student Dr Bruce Webber, shared his journey as a scientist, beginning during his earliest days at Myrniong and built upon throughout his journey through the College as he brought the threads of different fields of knowledge together, igniting a passion for scientific inquiry. At times, many students can find it difficult to imagine how what they are learning at school is going to be relevant or important in their work and life ahead. Bruce’s message, both during our Scholar’s Assembly and during his generous presentations to our students at both campuses, highlighted the ways in which learning comes together and curiosity continues throughout our lives. 


It is fitting that this week we also begin our Excel and Edge Extension programmes, with a launch in the Da Vinci Room on Thursday at lunchtime. We are excited to welcome new students to the programme as well as many returning students. 


Teachers, parents and students have also spent time this week sharing information and being curious about the learning programmes across our school, during information sessions held at the Early Learning Centre, Junior School and Student/Parent/Mentor meetings at Senior School. It was wonderful to meet so many families across the school at these events. 


As we are now in Week 3 of the term, any Senior School students and their families who may still be considering any final subject changes should come and see me or Mrs Bonnett (VCE Subjects) as soon as possible. You will have until the end of Week 4 to make final changes.