
Our first full week of lessons went smoothly, and we returned to the Equestrian Centre with great excitement. 


Sadly, we must postpone our clinic with Christine Corbidge due to unforeseen circumstances. We look forward to welcoming her later in the year.


Information has been sent out for the Andrea Reidel lessons on 22 February. We get last-minute cancellations occasionally, so if you have not booked but would like to go on the waitlist, please get in touch.


Adam Wooten is our next specialist to teach at College. He will be here the first week of the school holidays, Tuesday, 2 April. This is a timely session for those who are off to the ISV State championships later in the month. Bookings will open soon, so watch this space. 


If needing to text the Equestrian mobile, please use 0417381754. Calls will come through to the old number, but texts are unfortunately not working. A gentle reminder that these calls and texts should be made during business hours where possible.