Foundation Wellbeing

Foundation Wellbeing


In Foundation, the students have been learning about the Behaviour Tiers to identify the positive behaviours we can show at school. Students identified the different levels of the behaviour Management Tiers and which adults in our school are responsible for helping us when incidents occur. Foundation students were able to construct the Behaviour Tiers with a partner using pictures to show each level. 


When learning about how to show ‘Safe Hand, Safe Feet’, Darren visited the Foundation students to share how he shows ‘Safe Hands, Safe Feet’ in the playground and why it is important. Students were able to put this learning into practice when playing on the playground and in the sandpit during recess and lunch times.


‘I liked playing Simon Says with Darren’- Alexis

‘I liked making the Behaviour Tiers’- Isaac

‘I liked the pictures of the teachers to help us on the Behaviour Tiers’- Elijah

‘I like playing special games with Darren’ - Aria