Inquiry in Specialist Learning Areas

Inquiry in Specialist Learning Areas


Visual Arts

Students are working on collaborative artworks linked to the big idea, 'Healthy Communities'. Through this learning opportunity, students will further refine their abilities to synergise and problem solve, along with the ability to use visual elements effectively to communicate a message. Students will follow the design process when creating their designs for the table tops and chairs as well as decorative canvases. Through their artwork, cohorts will be representing their class and school as communities, and highlighting the importance of recognising and celebrating each individual within those communities. 

Physical Education

Physical Education plays a vital role in promoting the physical and mental wellbeing of our students. Throughout Term 1, our PE curriculum will focus on activities and exercises that encourage teamwork, resilience and healthy habits. Students will participate in fitness challenges, team sports, and mindfulness exercises aimed at building strong bodies and resilient minds within our community.

Music/ Drama

In Performing Arts, students will have the opportunity to express themselves creatively while exploring the theme of 'Healthy Communities' through music, drama, and dance. They will collaborate on performances that celebrate diversity, promote inclusivity, and generally inspire positive change and foster a welcoming and safe environment within our school and broader community.


We're excited to witness the growth and creativity that will unfold as our students engage with the specialist program throughout Term 1. Together, let's nurture a culture of health, inclusivity and community within our school and beyond.



As part of our commitment to global citizenship, Mandarin classes will incorporate the theme of 'Healthy Communities' by exploring health-related vocabulary, cultural practices, and traditions from Chinese-speaking communities around the world. Through language immersion and cultural understanding, junior students will gain a broader perspective on what it means to foster health and wellbeing within diverse communities.


Senior students will be engaged in project-based learning, conducting inquiries into our big idea of 'Healthy Communities'. Inquiry-based projects improve students' attention span and reasoning skills. They will critique their own ideas in group discussions, fostering student agency, ownership, and engagement in their learning.


In STEM, students will explore the intersection of technology and health within our communities. From understanding the science behind nutrition and exercise to designing innovative solutions for promoting health and wellbeing, our STEM curriculum will empower students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers in addressing real-world health challenges.