Careers Corner

Next week there will be a new face in the N12 office at Bayside Christian College.  He is a 13 month old Curly Coated Retriever named “Jett”.  Currently, he is completing his final phase of his foundation training to be a service/assistance dog.  Part of his training is to work alongside his participant in all situations. This means for his training he goes to the supermarket with us, we take him on public transport, he goes to our appointments and he will now be attending my workplace with me.  This socialisation in various environments is crucial to the success in his job.  


Once Jett completes his Public Access Training (PAT) Test he will start the next phase of his training.  He will be transitioning with his participant and working more specifically for his purpose.   Dogs for Life (the group that oversees Jett’s training) provides dogs for various situations.  Some of the dogs support veterans or people with PTSD, support children and adults with ASD and ADHD, support for people with Alzheimers, and some become medical alert dogs for epilepsy, diabetes or heart irregularities.  

Jett will mainly be located on the north campus and there may be times he will be with me when I am on south campus.  Whilst he is quite a big puppy, he is very gentle and quiet.   We are hoping to attend the Junior and Senior Secondary assemblies as well as Primary assembly and the Early Learning Centre to introduce Jett to the students.  Jett has a job to do, and he is in training to do it.  So, not just a careers coordinator for students but dogs too. 

These past couple of weeks, I have been continuing the Year 10 Individual Student career meetings.  It’s always interesting that there are students who have a clear idea of the career they would like to pursue as well as students who require further exploration.  This is a great reminder that we are all travelling on our own journey and we are all at different stages in that journey.  As much as we ask students to participate in work experience in year 10, some students really do not know what they are wanting to do once they graduate.  I would like to take this opportunity to remind students that it is okay not to have your entire future mapped out.  Travel the path that works for you, and don’t rely on what friends are doing or how well prepared they seem.  You do you!


Term One Highlights

  • Year 10 Individual Student Meetings - Careers/Work Experience (continuing)
  • Year 12 Individual Student Meetings - Post BCC intentions (commencing later in term 1)


Work Experience


Work experience is the hot topic with me at the moment.  It’s important to be prepared and not wait until the last minute to secure a placement.  Students have been emailed the Work Experience Preparation Information Booklet along with some important points.


Just to recap some important points:

  • Work experience is on the last week of term 2: Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June
  • Students will be expected to have a placement organised by the first week of term 2.
  • There is a new process for placements at BCC. Please come and see Ms Smith as soon as possible if you are hoping to complete your work experience in our school.
  • Also, there are additional forms and information required if you are wanting to do work experience with animals.
  • There are also additional permission forms required if you are travelling with your employer to various sites while on work experience.  
  • If you are working in the building industry please check if you will need a white card.  If it is required, you will need to arrange it in the April holidays (there is a cost involved). 

Students have been advised to see Ms Michelle Smith once they have confirmed a placement with the employer for the appropriate forms.  All forms will need to be returned by the end of week 2 (Term 2) - Friday 26th April.  This allows for all of the relevant checks, authorisation and communication to employers well before the work experience week.


Students have been encouraged to ask parents, friends and family for contacts they may have in the industry they are hoping to do work experience.  While I do encourage support and giving relevant contacts, I prefer if students engage in the process and take ownership of their work experience placement.  In past years, the students who have engaged and obtained the most value are those students who have sought and successfully gained a work experience placement with their own initiative.


Students have access to the “School to work” portal (formerly the SWL portal) that lists work experience opportunities that exist within our area across numerous industries.  This resource is updated regularly by our wonderful Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Local Learning Education Network (FMPLLEN).  School to Work Portal:


There are opportunities for Work Experience in various departments within the Local Councils.  I have provided the links below for Frankston and Mornington Peninsula.  You are welcome to look outside of your own council also, to see how other councils do things. 


Frankston City Council - Work Experience

Mornington  Peninsula Shire - Work Experience


For reference, work experience week is Monday 24th - Friday 28th June.


Kindly note, my work days have changed.  In Week A, I work Monday to Thursday and in Week B, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.

Please plan ahead, as I am not always available when you need me to be. 


My Calendly bookings are on Monday and Thursday only.  Bookings can be made outside of those days by arrangement only. 


Location: N12 (East end of N-Block)


Booking: (Mondays and Thursdays)


Ms Michelle Smith

Careers Coordinator