Secondary News

12/3Whole School Assembly
13/3Year 8 Medieval Day
13/3Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN
14/3Easter Community Market
14/3Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN
15/3Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN
18/3Year 10 Camp Central Australia
20/3Year 7 Camp Rumbug
25/3Year 8 Camp The Island
25/3Year 9 Camp Anglesea
25/3Year 11 Camp The Summit
25/3Year 12 Camp Allambee
28/3Last Day of Term 1

Half Way

Just like that we are already halfway through Term One with only a few weeks to go until the Secondary camps program begins. What a wonderful way to end the term. Last Tuesday many of our Secondary athletes put their gifts and talents on show at the annual House Athletics Carnival, held at Mornington Athletics track. Unlike last year, blue skies dominated the day, although some would say that it was a bit too warm for comfort. Regardless, the weather had no real bearing on the overall competition with all winning students now looking forward to representing Bayside at the SIS Inter-school Athletics Carnival in late August.


It has been lovely to see many of our parent community onsite and onscreen this week engaging with their children’s teachers at our first parent teacher conferences for the year. I, for one, really look forward to these conversations, especially if my student is present and participating in the discussion about their learning as we partner together. It’s a time when valuable tips and constructive feedback can be provided. If you missed out on the opportunity, parents are encouraged to make contact with the relevant teacher who will happily arrange a time to speak to you by phone. Proverbs 27:17 likens these mutual benefits of partnership or teamwork to iron sharpening iron. 


Throughout the Bible, this appears to be a recurring theme in that unity and collaboration lead to strength and success. This is our hope for Secondary students at Bayside.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17


Secondary Camps Final Reminder

The Secondary camps program is running at the end of Term 1. Camp leaders have now been in contact with parents requesting medical and dietary information and permission. Please ensure that you attend to this so that your child(ren) can participate at camp. Please direct any questions you may have to the following Secondary staff:


Year 7: Camp Rumbug. Wednesday 20th to Friday 22nd March. Leaders: Mrs Fiona Ryan and Miss Katie McCann

Year 8: The Island. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mrs Ulli Austermann and Mr Peter Zwiersen

Year 9: Burnside Anglesea. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mr Jay Johnstone and Mrs Jo Piening 

Year 10: Central Australia. Monday 18th to Wednesday 27th March. Leaders: Mr Ken Berry and Miss Laura Scouller

Year 11: The Summit. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mr Chris Alley and Mr James Siede

Year 12: Camp Allambee. Monday 25th to Thursday 28th March. Leaders: Mrs Rachelle Cooper and Mrs Sonja Campbell.


God bless,


Mr James Kumnick, Head of Secondary


The Indonesian language became the 10th language recognized as an official language of the UNESCO General Conference alongside the six official languages of the United Nations. This latest acknowledgment makes learning Indonesian useful, beneficial, and appropriate.


The Years 9 and 10 Indonesian Trip to Bali and Nusa Lembongan is approaching fast and the preparation is well underway.  Everyone involved is looking forward to the day when we fly to Bali. The benefits of cultural and educational Immersion Trips are immensity from the improvement of language skills to opening up our life horizon,  from learning the skills to accept something new and different to challenge ourselves beyond our comfort zone. These are important life skills to acquire.  Not yet the benefits of building relationships with students and the body of Christ from Indonesia whilst enjoying the sunshine, the friendliest of Indonesian people and the splendid culture of Bali, Indonesia. the immersion Trip to Indonesia is offered to students from Year 9 and above.

Year 7 OES

On the Wednesday 28th February, Year 7 OES students participated in their first excursion for the Semester, a day trip out to Bushrangers Bay. Students loved hunting for crabs, running on the sand, walking through the bush and playing games with their peers. Many thanks to Mr Green for join the students on this outing. - Miss Laura Scouller, Secondary Teacher

Student Reflection

"On the 28th of February the year seven OES class had the opportunity of going on a walk at bushrangers bay, Cape Schanck. After arriving, the group continued down the walking track until reaching the beach. Once there, we all sat down for snack and did a few of their own activities such as tag, looking at rock pools, and exploring the area. After a little bit of rain we packed up for the long walk back. One highlight for me on the trip was when we got to the beach area and we played a group game of freeze tag on the sand." - Pearl Penwarden

VCE OES Wilsons Promontory Camp

Eleven VCE OES students headed to Wilsons Promontory for their first camp of the year and we hiked and explored many areas around Tidal River. The boat trip was a huge highlight and everyone loved seeing the seal colonies just off the coast and groups of common dolphins playing around the boat. A huge thanks goes to Justin Mason for helping to get the equipment ready and Toni Steinbergs for being the fearless assistant leader on the camp. The students learned a great deal about a range of concepts, both theoretical and practical and soaked in God’s magnificent creation throughout the camp.

Year 11 Pantry Plus Working Session

The Year 11 Certificate II in Active Volunteering conducted a working session at Peninsula City Church’s Pantry Plus program. We finished building garden beds and started to fill them with soil. We will use the rest of the soil in our next working session at the start of next term and will then plant crops for clients of Pantry Plus to harvest and use.


Mr Ken Berry, VM Coordinator

Year 12 Biomechanics Excursion

To conclude their Unit 3, Area of Study 1 studies on biomechanics, Year 12 students embarked on a two part excursion on Friday March 1st. Students first went to the range and swing lab down at Centenary Park. Using Mr Goschnick and some volunteers from the class, students were shown a number of pieces of technology to improve performance of a golf swing via application of biomechanics principles. 

This includes video analysis and ball tracking data including club speed, ball speed, attack angle, spin rate, launch angle, total distance ect. The second part of the excursion included using the schools iPads to record themselves competing in 10 pin bowling. 


In a later lesson back at school, students then compared the movement to themselves completing a similar movement, with a different performance objective: lawn bowls on the southside oval. This was a great marquee event for Year 12 PE students to cap off their studies for this area of study, linking to key content from it and also past VCAA exams (the 2022 exam had a 10 mark question related to golf). 


Mr J Goschnick, Secondary Teacher

STEM: Yong Women in Aerospace & Defence

Students in Years 7 – 12 are invited to apply for the Young Women in Aerospace & Defence (FREE 5-Day STEM program), offered during the school holidays in Terms 1, 2, and 3.

The program is an RMIT University co-sponsored initiative addressing the persistent gender gap across science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.


Application Process

 Students are asked to submit a written statement (max 500 words) or a video (max 2 mins) explaining why the student should be chosen for the program.

 Applications close: Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Applicants notified of success: Tuesday, 19 March 2024


Event Details


Term 1: 8-12 April 2024

Term 2: 8-12 July 2024

Term 3: 23-27 September 2024


Students can choose the STEM program they'd like to attend. With high demand expected, preferences will be accommodated based on availability.


Where: RMIT University, City Campus


Students will:

  • Engage in a range of activities including constructing drones, designing apps, building gliders, programming bots, and conclude with races featuring their creations.
  • Participate in lectures and explore RMIT University's cutting-edge engineering facilities.
  • Take part in Q&A sessions with female STEM professionals and explore tours of aerospace and defence industry-leading companies.

Secondary Social Volleyball

Secondary social volleyball at lunchtimes returned in Week 4 of term due to multiple requests to Mr Goschnick from students. The response from the students was overwhelming, with over 70 students coming to participate.In response to this, social volleyball is now being run twice a week in an attempt to cope with the demand. On Monday’s it is open to Year 7-9 students and Wednesday it is open to Year 10-12 students.In the following week with this split arrangement, students again showed up in mass. It was great to see students continue to participate in some fun and highly competitive matches with their peers. 


Mr J Goschnick, Secondary Teacher

Secondary Swimming Carnival